5 Best Ways To Clean Jewelry From Silver

JAKARTA - Silver jewelry often tends to lose its shine within a certain period of time. This is due to chemical reactions that occur between silver and sulfur in the air. However, to keep the jewelry clean and in perfect condition, you need to take care of it every day and after some time it must be cleaned regularly.

Fortunately, this clean-up activity did not take long and could be done easily using existing home items. Let's find out the five best ways to clean silver jewelry at home, reported the Times of India, Friday, March 1.

You can clean the jewelry with lemon and bath salt every month to maintain the glare of silver jewelry. Just squeeze lemon into the bowl and add three tablespoons of salt and hot water, then soak in jewelry for five minutes. After finishing, lift and rub with a soft cloth to remove the stains.

This is one of the most popular and also the easiest way to clean silver jewelry at home. Plus protecting jewelry from becoming black or yellow with a simple method. This low-cost and easy-cost method can clean jewelry in 30 seconds to 3 minutes.

Boil a certain amount of water and coat your jewelry with aluminum drinks with a glossy side facing up. Now, add a tablespoon of soda cake with each cup of water into the bowl and dip your jewelry into a bubbled solution.

Surprisingly, tomato sauce can also be used to clean silver jewelry. You only need to squeeze a little tomato sauce on the tissue and gently rub it into tarnished areas. Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes and immediately rub it with a soft cloth and rinse after. If you use this method on luxury jewelry, clean between the gaps with a soft brush.

Deterjen is one of the old methods of removing stains on silver jewelry. You only need to pour one small cup of detergent into a bowl filled with hot water and then put silver jewelry in it. Let it be submerged for 10 minutes and gently rub with the cloth. The determinant reacts with water producing foamy substances that will remove dark spots so as to clean the dirt or patches from the jewelry.

One of the easiest ways to clean silver jewelry at home is to use toothpaste the size of a gubernaut on a plate. Then rub it on the jewelry or it can also be on silver utensils with a rotating motion to give a clean final result. Then sit down for 5 minutes and brush the toothpaste with water slowly using a soft cloth.