Important Terms In Audio Files You Must Know

YOGYAKARTA - For those of you who are in the field of music and recording, you may have heard of audio or music files. Want to know what are the important terms in audio files?

In creating music files, in fact there are many audio file names that you must understand so that you can improve the quality of the music. Then, what are the existing terms? Follow fully in the summary below!

1. Stereo and Mono

Another important name in the world of recording that you must know is stereo and mono. Both of these are audio file types based on the number of channels.

Mono, as the name implies, is the type of file that only has one channel. Thus, music that comes out of the headphones will sound less dynamic because it is only from one channel.

On the other hand, stereo has 2 channels on its headphones, is from the right and left. So, music will sound more interesting because you can hear music that is different from the two ears. But surely this will take up more memory.

2. Sample Rate and Bitrate

The first names you must know are sample rates and bitrates. The Sample rate itself is the interval of each snapshot or batch of sound during the recording process.

If the interval is short, it means that the frequency will be faster which makes the quality better. On the other hand, this bitrate is the amount of audio information that enters per second.

However, to see this bitrate, you must multiply the sample rate with bit depth. If the depth gets bigger, the recording results will also be better.

3. Compression

Next, there is also a term compression in world recording. This consistency or compression is used to compress the dimensions of each music record file that you have done.

To reduce file size, there are 2 procedures that you can live with. The first procedure is to delete data that is useless in a file or called lossy compression. For example, a kind of voice that sounds less clear and is not essential for the music.

On the other hand, the second method is lossless compression which compresses files by practicing mathematical algorithms. However, this method is less efficient because you are still required to decompress files when you are about to play them.

4. Loop Audio Files

When recording music or songs, there is one file that only contains pitch data and tempo, is a loop file. The existence of this file is important when the recording process takes place, especially when it has entered the mixing section.

With this loop file, you can recognize how much time is right. Not only that, you can also know whether the sound or not that sounds are in accordance with the pitch or not.

Well, you can enter this file into workstation so that you can repeat it. So, the quality of the final result will be better and comfortable to hear by a lot of ears.

5. Audio File Format

The last important audio file term you know is the formats of the final result of the file. You may have been very familiar with the term MP3.

However, not only MP3, there are other types of formats such as OGG, ACC, WAV, FLAC, ALAC, Shorten and so on. Although all of these are formats for music or songs files, there are various differences between these various formats.

This difference usually exists in audio quality, memory utilization, and the type of license.

Here are the descriptions of various audio file terms that are important for you to know if you want to be involved in recording.

Talking about terms, it's a good idea to read: "Recognizing the Term in Updated Instagram" so that it can be more contemporary in social media.

So after knowing the important terms in the audio file, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!