Alyssa Abidin And Totos Rastiti Reveal The Metaphysical Team In Filming Kuyang

JAKARTA - Alyssa Abidin and Totos Rastiti competed acting in the film Kuyang: Devil's Spying Ally. The two met in the film directed by Yongki Ongestu.

"My relationship here as Sriatun, a wife who is joining her husband, migrates to an area and I will face Kuyang," Alyssa Abidin told VOI today, Thursday, February 29.

"Playing as Mr. Kasno, the principal in the area who Sri and her husband Bimo visited because they applied to work as elementary school teachers in the area," added Totos Rastiti.

This film shows many regional background stories from popular folklore. They are challenged to act in very foreign locations from city life in general.

"There are many scenes that make an impression because the shooting location is attractive and in the forest in the interior of the river, so it is in the trailer. Indeed, the term is, he said, we are mirroring the location, not in Jakarta," said Totos Rastiti.

"We go somewhere that has never been used as a shooting location, all the scenes are interesting because they adjust to the environment, not to mention horror. Filming is reversed, the night we shoot crying," said Alyssa.

They also presented a metaphysical team during the Kuyang shooting process because they needed permission and certainty that the production process was going well.

The vibe is scary and the surrounding population believes more tahaul than logical. The sick crew, what hit, got to Korengan, then we moved, the residents even forbade us to go to the doctor. He was taken to the previous place," said Totos.

In addition to asking permission from local people, we also have a team to ask for permission from certain trees. There I was a scene in one big tree, I wanted this tree but I didn't get permission to move. Things like that must be accepted because it enters the film ritual section because we shoot in locations that we don't know at all. Many of us have never been there before, "said Alyssa.

Kuyang: Devil's Spying Allies tell the story of a married couple who arrive at a village to work. The wife, Sriatun (Alyssa Abidin) is pregnant with their first child which turns out to be a threat to their life.

Kuyang Film: Devil's Spying Ally will premiere March 7, 2024 in Indonesian cinemas.