Included In The List Of 30 Members Of The House Of Representatives Following The Right Of Questionnaires, NasDem Politicians Wait For Surya Paloh's Order

JAKARTA - NasDem Party politician Irma Suryani Chaniago responded to the circulation of a list of 30 names of DPR members who were claimed to be proposing the right of inquiry for alleged fraud in the 2024 presidential election. Even though he did not dismiss the claim, Irma stated that his attitude was waiting for orders from the General Chairperson of NasDem Surya Paloh. "Even if I depend on the orders of the general chairman of the party," said Irma Suryani when confirmed, Thursday, February 29. Irma explained, the right of inquiry is a right attached to members of the DPR. He doesn't even have a problem if the name is encouraged to roll out the right of inquiry which has become a public conversation. "I think it is natural to implement it if the government violates the law or there is government performance that has a negative impact on the socio-economic condition of the community," he said. Previously, Nasir Djamil firmly stated that he did not know how his name could be listed on the list. Until now, he stressed, the PKS faction has not issued an official decision regarding the proposed right of inquiry. "It is necessary "It is straightened out. The inclusion of Nasir Djamil's name on the list did not go through confirmation first," Nasir Djamil told reporters, Wednesday, February 28. One of them was initiated by the Executive Director of the Madani Circle (LIMA) Ray Rangkuti. Ray Rangkuti even claimed that he had received a statement from various elements of society who were members of the Indonesia fair and democratic movement (GIAD). One of them was initiated by the Executive Director of the Lingkar Madani (LIMA) Ray Rangkuti. contacting the three names of DPR members and being willing to sign regarding the application for the right to inquiry. One of them is NasDem Politician Irma Suryani Chaniago. "That is, Irma Suryani (NasDem), Masinton Pasaribu (PDIP), and Daniel Johan (PKB), which may later be submitted to the leadership of the DPR," Ray said in a forum with the idea titled 'Angket Election: Release of 30 Names of DPR Members Driven to Submit Question Rights', which was broadcast on the Para Syndicate YouTube account, Tuesday, February 27. The following is a list of 30 names. Members of the House of Representatives who were encouraged to file the right of inquiry for alleged fraud in the 2024 presidential election, among them: NasDem Faction:1. Ahmad Sahroni2. Awang Faroeq Ishak3. Irma Suryani4. Martin Manurung5. Saan Mustopa6. Taufik BasariFraksi PKB:7. Arzeti Bilbina8. Daniel Johan9. Faisal Reza10. Nihayatul Wafiroh11. H. Syaiful Huda12. Ibnu Multazam13. Luluk Nur Hamidah14. Maman Imanul Haq15. Yanuar Prihatin

Fraksi PDIP16. Adian Napitupulu17. Arief Wibowo18. Dr. Junimart Girsang19. Djarot S. Hidayat20. Eriko Sotarduga21. Harvey B. Malaihollo22. Irine Yusiana Roba Putri23. Krisdayanti24. Masinton Pasaribu25. Putra Nababan26. Rieke Diah PitalokaFraksi PKS27. Hj. Anis Byarwati28. Hidayat Nur Wahid29. Mardani Ali Sera30. M. Nasir Djamil