5 Simple Habits That Have Big Influences In Relationships

JAKARTA - Connecting to other people, it is important to know how to carry yourself. Starting from how to respond to an acceptable behavior to how to respond to it.

In a love relationship, of course, it will be different from social relations. Therefore, small habits that strengthen romantic relationships need to be considered. What are they? Here is the list.

A good listener

Listening is a way to understand each other, understand each other, and respond to each other. During the first date, the flower buds of romance were still fresh, patience was still a lot in stock. After months or years, the flowers may wither.

This means that we need a way so that romance remains the basis and we need to be good listeners. Oftentimes, before a sentence is finished, the interrupt jumps out of the mouth.

Toni Coleman, a therapist and relationship expert, says that changing the subject can make a person feel like a theme or a thing being discussed is not attractive. This habit can trigger heartache, Coleman added.

Spend more time with your partner

Having social relations is really fun. However, it is often not considered how much time is spent in relationships with other people compared to partners.

Relationships feel strange and rarely warm if time is not properly managed.

This is actually a small thing that has a big impact on a relationship. If there is no time for your partner, then spend the weekend together without being distracted by other things to pay for every time that is taken up.

Often understand

Mistakes are acknowledged and corrected. Too often giving forgiveness, meaning that someone is trying to bargain for responsibility.

Coleman emphasized that someone who is able to apologize and be responsible can have an impact on a relationship. This attitude makes relationships stronger and less fragile due to conflict.

Help each other

A sense of caring also makes a relationship happy. For example, when a couple experiences difficulties and needs consideration to make choices, there is nothing wrong with paying a little attention.

Coleman says that ignoring your partner when he/she is stressed or under pressure indicates a 'cold' relationship. Supposedly, added Coleman, partners can be calming and more motivating.

Good thoughts

Thoughts determine one's actions. Negative thoughts can trigger negative behavior. Although not always linear, having kind thoughts towards your partner in relation to the relationship also increases the sense of caring.

For long-term relationships, good thoughts on partners can reduce selfish attitudes that only think about oneself.