5 Tips For Making Peace With Reality When Life Feels Meaningless

JAKARTA - Life is beautiful. But sometimes you may feel like you are in a monotonous cycle. Where doing the same thing every day or living a meaningless life.

The reason why life feels meaningless can be different for each person. For example, mental health conditions, such as depression or other mood disorders can cause feelings of sadness or despair. So that it has the potential to reduce a person's interest in activities he has liked in the past. In addition, dissatisfaction in work, home, or social can cause a person to feel meaningless in life.

Reporting from Psych Central, Wednesday, February 28, here are five tips to make peace with the reality when life feels meaningless.

When living life with the intention, you will realize why you do what you do. You will consider every aspect of life to see if it is in line with vision or purpose. Living with the intention is the practice of compiling daily life based on belief and core values.

The journey of life can be more challenging when you start defining personal values and beliefs. For that, try to practice positive self talk and decide yourself from disturbances such as social media or people around you who are less constructive.

Consider exploring your feelings to investigate what you want and need in finding life goals. The following questions can help you get started:

Research in 2017 shows that feeling and showing appreciation for what you have in life is a way of accepting the kindness around you. This can help guide you towards a dream life and help find goals in life.

Research in 2022 shows that writing anything that is grateful can help a person change their state positively, reduce stress, and improve mood.

You can integrate gratitude into your daily life with:

Paying attention to things that give meaning to life can help you find positive aspects. Sometimes, things that seem normal just give the most meaning, including beautiful natural views or unexpected blessings.

Noelle Nelson, clinical psychologist and author, explains that doing something meaningful means giving meaning and value to the action.

Nelson provides the following examples of how to find meaning in your daily life:

Spending time with positive people is a sure way of finding meaning in life. The best relationship to establish is relationships with those who offer positive support and attitude while encouraging you on a life journey.

You can also consider giving a nostalgic space by remembering family and friends, listening to music that reminds you of the good times, or making a memo sheet for important events in life.

According to research in 2022, spending reminiscent moments can help people find, maintain and recover the meaning of life. Research also shows that nostalgia can increase feelings of belonging and acceptance, even when you are facing challenges in life.

It's important to remember that not everyone has a positive past to echo. If you don't have a positive nostalgic experience, consider identifying someone or an experience that brings more positive or pleasant memories to you.

The journey of finding the meaning of life can be difficult, but you don't have to do it alone. Consider talking to a therapist or psychologist to get help in overcoming and finding the meaning of life. If you live with mental health conditions, they can also help you cope with symptoms that may contribute to your feelings.