Nia Ramadhani's Latest News, Potential To Experience Visual Impairment To Slow Thinking

JAKARTA - The bad news came from artist Nia Ramadhani. The wife of Ardi Bakrie is currently undergoing medical therapy in the United States. She has a lack of iron in her body.
Through the TV program of Nyonya Boss, Nia Ramadhani's Assistant, Theresa Wienathan said that the iron deficiency experienced by this Bawang Merah Bawang Putih soap opera actress has the potential to experience visual problems and slow to think.
"It turns out that (lack of) iron has a fairly large impact on vision," said Theresa Wienathan through the Nyonya Boss TV program, as quoted by from on Sunday, February 28.
Theresa said that a lack of iron could make Nia Ramadhani easily tired and unable to exercise. "According to the American doctor, a lack of iron can cause her to get tired quickly. Yes, it is true that she gets tired quickly, she can't exercise," said Theresa Wienathan.
In addition, this mother of three children is slow to think and has vision problems. "Makes her limp as if her thought is loading a bit longer. Then, her vision is blurred. So all this time she thought it's a cylindrical-eye problem (astigmatism)," explained Theresa Wienathan.
After undergoing an iron supplement infusion, Theresa was also worried about Nia Ramadhani's condition. Because, if someone is injected with iron, it will be even more enthusiastic.
"I'm afraid, guys, the doctor said that when the injection was finished, she was even more excited. Now, she's really excited, energetic," said Theresa.
Previously, Nia Ramadhani had complained about her eye condition when she became host with Raffi Ahmad at the TikTok Awards Indonesia 2020. Aburizal Bakrie's daughter-in-law said she could not read because her eyes were cylindrical.
Unfortunately, Nia Ramadhani's confession was flooded with harsh criticism from netizens. They considered the 30-year-old artist to be unprofessional and failed to host.