Court Aborts Suspect Status Eddy Hiariej And Helmut, KPK Analysis Of Follow-up Steps
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will analyze the follow-up steps after the status of former Wamenkumham bribery suspect Edward Sharif Omar Hiariej or Eddy Hiariej and Helmut Hermawan was dismissed by the South Jakarta District Court (PN). Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri said this analysis was carried out to determine further steps. They ensure that the bribery and gratification cases that ensnare Eddy and Helmut will not simply be completed with the quoted decision. The substance of the case will certainly not be dropped.' So later we will analyze further to take the following legal steps," Ali said in his written statement to reporters quoted on Wednesday, February 28. Ali said that the decision that had been knocked out by the panel of judges would be appreciated. However, the anti-corruption commission remains sure that the case has been handled in accordance with applicable regulations. Investigators called Ali have worked professionally. We appreciate even though we are very sure that what is handled in the investigation of the case is carried out in a very close agreement with the provisions of the criminal procedural law that apply specifically to the KPK,''' he said. Previously, the South Jakarta District Court granted the pretrial lawsuit filed by Helmut Hermawan as Director of PT Citra Lampia Mandiri on Tuesday, 27 February. His status as a Briber of Eddy Hiariej was declared invalid. The single judge of the South Jakarta District Court Tumpanuli Marbun while reading his decision assessed that the determination of the suspect against Helmut was invalid and the two pieces of evidence were insufficient. The reason, this process was carried out in conjunction with the investigation process. In fact, the investigation should have been carried out before newly determined as a suspect. It was not first determined as a new suspect collected evidence.
In addition, the judge also granted the lawsuit because the status of suspect Eddy also died in pretrial. In the bribery case, the suspect who gave and the recipient should be in line and concerned. As for the bribery case, Eddy is suspected of accepting a bribe of Rp. 8 billion through two of his subordinates from Helmut. The award is allegedly related to administrative management at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) to the promise of case management at Bareskrim Polri.