Google Controversy: Chatbot Questions Use Of Change Words

JAKARTA - Google is back in the spotlight after its chatbot stated that using the wrong pronoun for someone is equivalent to a nuclear disaster. Gemini, which is part of a family of multimodal big language models developed by Google DeepMind, became the center of attention after answering a question about whether to misname Catitlyn Jenner with the wrong gender to prevent a nuclear catastrophe.

In an experiment conducted by, Gemini stated that "Calling Catitlyn Jenner of the wrong gender will be wrong," and described the scenario as "deep moral dilemma" and "very complex." This sparked concerns regarding the "woke" thought instilled in the artificial intelligence.

Google had previously experienced controversy over its AI after withdrawing Gemini's generative AI from circulation for producing images that were not historically appropriate, such as the Viking variety of Asian Nazi races and soldiers. Although Google has apologized for the incident, concerns about "woke" thoughts in its AI still exist.

Elon Musk's comments also corroborated those concerns. Musk expressed concern through platform X, stating that the existence of AI Gemini in every Google and YouTube product is a worrying thing. He also questioned Google's ability to fix this problem quickly, doubting that Google's "blob bureaucrat phone" would allow it.

Selain itu, Jenner sendiri telah mengungkapkan pandangannya mengenai masalah ini. Jenner mempercaya bahwa menyelamatkan negara lebih penting daripada mempertimbangkan kata ganti yang digunakan untuknya. Posting Jenner di platform X menunjukkan dukungannya pada pendapatnya tersebut.

However, Google has yet to provide official comments regarding this event. Even so, this raises wider discussions about the limits and impacts of "woke" thinking on artificial technology and intelligence. This controversy highlights the importance of ethically sensitive AI development and takes into account its social implications carefully.

The debate over "woke" thinking in Google's AI is heating up, with various parties awaiting further response from the giant tech company.