Ace Hasan Calls The Right Of Non-Relevant Ancaques In The Context Of Election Cheating

JAKARTA - Member of the House of Representatives from the Golkar Party faction, Ace Hasan Syadzily, said the right to inquiry proposed by Ganjar Pranowo's camp was irrelevant in the context of election fraud.

This was said by Ace in response to the statement of the former chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK) as well as the vice presidential candidate number 3, Mahfud MD, who said that the right of inquiry could lead to the impeachment of President Joko Widodo.

Ace questioned the urgency of the right of inquiry to investigate allegations of fraud in the 2024 presidential election after the victory of Paslon number 2, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka based on the results of quick count or quick count of various survey institutions. "That's why we have to see clearly, what is the urgency of this right to inquiry? If what is being questioned is about election fraud, then it is not in its place that the right of inquiry questions about election fraud," said Ace at the DPR building, Jakarta, Tuesday, February 27.

"Why? Because the election has a mechanism that has been regulated in the laws made by the DPR. If the DPR itself does not believe the laws it has made, what will it do?," he continued.

The deputy chairman of Commission VIII of the DPR explained the position of the KPU and Bawaslu in the case of rights inquiry. He emphasized that these two institutions are election organizers, not the government, so if there is a potential for fraud, please report to the institution.

"When there is an effort to do the right of inquiry in a way, for example, to pressure the KPU, this KPU is not the government. This KPU is the executor of an independent law, therefore leave it to the KPU," explained Ace.

"If there is considered a fraud, there is Bawaslu which is also chosen by the DPR. If it is judged that the KPU, Bawaslu are considered for example violating the code of ethics, then there is DKPP. After that, if for example the results of this election are considered to have no, allegedly committed fraud, it remains to be submitted to the Constitutional Court," he said.

"So I think this right of inquiry is actually irrelevant in the context of election fraud. Unless this is political pressure. Once again the election results cannot be intervened by political forces. Why? Because the election results are the people's wishes," he concluded.