Experiencing A Work Accident, Ojol Driver Says Gratitude The Cost Of Treatment Is Borne To Recover By BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
JAKARTA - Ahmad Setiadi, an online motorcycle taxi driver (ojol) in Sunter, North Jakarta, invites all workers, especially those who work as online motorcycle taxis to participate in the BPJS Employment program.
According to Ahmad Setiadi, the Employment Social Security Program managed by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan is very useful as a safety net for work risks that have the potential to emerge in the future.
This was conveyed by Ahmad Setiadi when delivering his testimony after recovering from a defect due to a work accident he experienced in August 2023.
"I appeal to online motorcycle taxi colleagues to take part in the BPJS Employment program because of its many benefits. I have felt this benefit myself," said Ahmad Setiadi, in his statement, quoted Monday, February 26.
Ahmad said that he had an accident while carrying out his profession as an online motorcycle taxi in Sunter, North Jakarta, in August 2023. This forced him to be treated at the Koja Hospital.
The doctor sentenced Ahmad to a broken right shoulder due to the accident and had to undergo medical treatment and rehabilitation including physiquerapy.
From these various treatments, he admitted that he did not spend any money because all costs had been borne by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. Even during the healing process he benefited from compensation assistance while unable to work (STMB)
"I would like to thank BPJS Ketenagakerjaan for helping and I am very grateful to have become a participant. Hopefully BPJS Ketenagakerjaan will be more successful and advanced," said Ahmad.
Meanwhile, Head of the Cilincing Employment BPJS Branch Office, Haryani Rotua Melasari, said that Ahmad Setiadi was a participant in the Employment Social Security at the Cilincing branch office and had been registered since 2021.
Ahmad, who is an informal worker, participated in two mandatory protection programs, namely Work Accident Insurance (JKK) and Death Security (JKM). The dues for these two programs are only IDR 16,800 per month.
These two programs have considerable benefits, namely unbounded maintenance, compensation for death due to work accidents of 48 times the wages reported, Temporary Incapable Assistance (STMB), permanent total defect compensation, and homecare services, "said Ani, Haryani Rotua Melasari's nickname.
Meanwhile, he continued, if the participant died not due to a work accident, the heirs would receive compensation of Rp. 42 million and educational scholarships for two children from kindergarten to college, a maximum of Rp. 174 million.