The Case Of Panji Gumilang Money Laundering, Bareskrim Polri Confiscates Hundreds Of Billions Of Assets

The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police confiscated a number of assets of Panji Gumilang in handling cases of alleged money laundering or money laundering. The assets confiscated included hundreds of billions of money, land, and cars.

"The confiscated assets were in the form of land, cars, and money in the account," said Director of Special Economic Crimes at Bareskrim Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan to reporters, Friday, February 23.

Whisnu detailed that Panji Gumilang's assets were confiscated, namely five lands in Depok City covering an area of 866 square meters with a value of Rp6 billion. Then, 42 plots of land in Indramayu Regency with a total of 29.6 hectares estimated at Rp27.3 billion.

"Aset of vehicles with 3 units of Isuzu MUX cars worth IDR 1.1 billion," he said.

Then, investigators also confiscated money stored in 16 accounts of one bank worth Rp271 billion. There is also an account containing 480,700 US dollars or US dollars.

However, the process of tracing Panji Gumilang's assets, which indicated that the results of the TPPU were still being carried out.

"Aset tracing is still being carried out, that's temporary data from the confiscation," said Whisnu.

Dalam perkembangan penanganan kasus TPPU Panji Gumilang, Bareskrim Polri telah melimpahkan berkas perkara atau tahap satu kasus ke Kejaksaan Agung, pada 21 Februari.

Following up on the delegation, the Deputy Attorney General for General Crimes or Jampidum of the Attorney General's Office appointed 15 research prosecutors to examine the completeness.

"Jampidum appointed 15 research prosecutors to examine files and determine whether the case file can be declared complete or not formally or materially," said the Head of the AGO's Office of Law and Human Rights, Ketut Sumedana.

Meanwhile, in this case, Panji Gumilang is said to have used the mode of borrowing money from Bank J-trust on behalf of the Indonesian Islamic Boarding School Foundation (YPI). Then, the money was actually used for personal gain worth IDR 73 billion.

The loan funds by Panji Gumilang were transferred from the foundation's account to a personal account. Then, used for his benefit.

From the results of the deepening, it is known that Panji used the foundation's money to pay the loan installments.

Panji Gumilang is suspected of violating Article 372 of the Criminal Code regarding embezzlement. Then, Article 70 in conjunction with Article 5 of Law Number 28 of 2004 concerning Amendments to Law Number 16 of 2001 concerning Foundations.

Finally, Panji Gumilang is also suspected of violating Article 3 Article 4 Article 5 in conjunction with Article 10 of Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning Money Laundering.