Coordinating Minister For Human Development And Culture Talks About Clique's Theory Of Overcoming Bullying At Schools

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy asked teachers to be aware of groups or gangs in schools to anticipate bullying or bullying practices.

"In the theory of social psychology, usually bullying is not done by person, but by clique, by gangs, gang children, yes, that's the clique theory," said Muhadjir at the Vice President's Palace, Jakarta, Thursday, February 22, which was confiscated by Antara.

Clique is a group of peers that are closely related based on the same particular interests.

Muhadjir gave an example that clique in schools can happen, for example, on the basis of feeling both beautiful or feeling both from rich families, then gathering to form gangs in schools.

"Usually people will gather with a common and teachers must be wary of properly and that can happen in all schools," he said.

Muhadjir also reminded teachers and school leaders to always educate students about the poor practice of bullying.

Meanwhile, if there has been a practice of bullying, Muhadjir advised schools to immediately take recovery steps, including guidance consultations, not only for students who are victims but also for perpetrators of bullying.

"This includes those who do it, because those who do this are adults. He also needs treatment, don't let it become a relapsed behavior," he said.