Talking About The Past Of Being A Furniture Driver, Jokowi Emphasizes The Importance Of Hard Work And Discipline For PNPM Customers

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo emphasized the importance of a spirit of hard work and discipline for customers of PT Permodalan Nasional Madina (PNM) in running a business.

In a gathering with customers of the Prosperous Family Economic Development Program (Mekaar) fostered by PNM in Maros Regency, South Sulawesi, Thursday, Jokowi shared his experience when building a furniture business in Solo, Central Java.

I used to be in 1988 starting a business from scratch. I saw my friends working from 8 am to 4 pm. If I join them I am the same as them, I don't want to. I work from dawn to midnight, that's hard work," Jokowi said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, February 22.

Thanks to this hard work, his furniture business has grown, from the first year of selling its products in Solo City, then starting to penetrate the capital market, until the third year he was able to export his products abroad.

In addition to hard work, Jokowi also emphasized the importance of business actors having discipline, especially in managing finances and paying loan installments used for capital.

According to the president, no bank or financial institution is willing to lend funds to people who are not disciplined.

Therefore, Jokowi invites all PNM customers, many of whom are women, to instill a spirit of hard work and discipline in carrying out their business.

"If the character is formed, the spirit of work, the character of discipline is formed, it is very easy to move up the class from micro to small, small to middle, easy," he said.

"So this character we build, gives hooks so that it can fish. It's not giving fish once then we are confused," said Jokowi.

Jokowi said he was happy to know that more and more people had become customers of the Mekaar PNM Program, out of around 400 thousand customers in 2015 to date, it has reached 15.2 million customers.

I have traveled to all provinces, I gathered with the same spirit. And almost 99 percent (customers) are mothers. Everyone's spirit," said the President.

In addition to inviting PNM customers to work hard and be disciplined, the President also encourages them to be creative in innovating in creating quality products whose packaging is attractive and the price can compete in the market.