NOC Together With ITTF Solve Indonesia's Table Tennis Problem

JAKARTA The Indonesian Olympic Committee (NOC Indonesia) took tactical steps to resolve the dispute over Indonesian table tennis.

The sport has experienced setbacks for more than 10 years. This effort is expected to restore the achievements of Indonesian table tennis.

Efforts to resolve this problem were taken after intensive communication was established between the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) and NOC Indonesia.

"ITTF communicates intensively with NOC Indonesia to provide input and help resolve problems at Indonesian table tennis," said Chairman of NOC Indonesia, Raja Sapta Oktohari.

Okto, Raja Sapta Oktohari's nickname, said the ITTF paid special attention. They are very concerned about the development of table tennis in Indonesia so that his party opens up to find a way out for the sport concerned.

"We are very open to working with anyone, especially international federations to solve sports problems that occur in Indonesia," he said.

This communication is also the basis for the ITTF to conduct a study on the problems that befell Indonesian table tennis. They even specifically discussed the issue at the Council Meeting in Bangkok on August 23, 2023.

ITTF will make a decision regarding Indonesian table tennis at General Assembly in Busan, South Korea, February 27, 2024. One of the agendas is a review of the governance problems of its members in Indonesia.

"God willing, everything will be resolved properly and most importantly we have to realize that Indonesia is only one part of the many countries that follow the governance of the International Federation and Olympic Charter."

"We cannot be separated from that governance and it is impossible for us to do what we want," said Okto.