Park Min Young Calls Marry My Husband Awakening From Dark Times

Park Min Young revealed that the Korean drama Marry My Husband was a project that made him excited in acting. He admitted that he had been in the dark, especially when his name was linked to the case of his ex-lover.

Marry My Husband is his latest project after two years. In 2022, Park Min Young is said to be involved in the scandal of his ex-girlfriend, Kang Jong Hyun.

"It took time to realize and admit I made a mistake, but apologized and said, 'I will do my best as an actor so that this doesn't happen again' is something that is not embarrassing," Park Min Young quoted The Korea Times as saying.

When this project was given to him, he realized that he could not continue to hide from the public while he missed acting.

"This drama means a lot because it helps me go back to my mindset when I first acted," said Park Min Young.

He also mentioned that the theme of the second opportunity such as Marry My Husband was also felt by him. He hopes that he can break the boundaries of Korean dramas outside Korea.

"After going through a big thing, if I'm given the opportunity, I want to sincerely appreciate myself," he said again.

Recently, Park Min Young was said to be the executive director of One Stone's family-run company. Reportedly, the company has ties to Bithumb, a former lover company that uses the same address.

Hook Entertainment as the actress's agency stated, One Stone where Park Min Young is registered as executive director not a construction company but a real estate company managed by Park Min Young's family. He is not involved in any other business at One Stone.

The rental contract with the IT-run phone shop ended in January this year and One Stone has nothing to do with Kang Jong Hyun, they said again.