The House Of Employers For Torture 5 Assistants Turns Out To Be A Dental Clinic In Jatinegara

The East Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim has installed a police line on a white iron-trellis fence equipped with barbed wire, where five housemaid (PRT) is being tortured by their employer.

The location installed by the police line is where the assistants fled from their employers' house on Jalan Jatinegara Timur II, RW 02, Rawa Bunga, Jatinegara District, East Jakarta.

From VOI's observation at the location, there was no visible activity inside the house with white paint with the doctor's practice clinic. However, it was only seen that there was a car parked in the clinic garage of the perpetrator's house.

According to local residents, the occupants of the house never socialized with the local community. They locked themselves up at home.

"He has lived for a long time, home from ancient times. People are descendants, but not natives here. That's the house of his parents," said a resident around the location to VOI, Tuesday, February 13.

The situation around the location also looks deserted. The reason is, the house, which is fitted with a dentist clinic, is right on the side of the road.

"We haven't opened medical practice, all doctors are famous. Maybe the child will also open the name of his parents. But they haven't opened practice yet. The house has also just been renovated," he said.

Head of the Women and Children Service Unit (Kanit PPA) of the East Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim, AKP Sri Yatmini, said that his party was still investigating cases of abuse of five underage household assistants (ART) carried out by their employers.

"The victim is still a minor. The police made the LP (victim's report)," said AKP Sri when confirmed by VOI, Tuesday, February 13.