Platform X Develops Yourmark Revision Feature

JAKARTA Platform X, previously known as Twitter, is developing a new feature to visit uploads stored in themarks. This feature is named Revision yourmark.

Based on information shared by Designer X Andrea Conway, Revision yourmark will look like a timeline recommendation. If you are an Instagram user and often see Threads recommendations, it will look like that.

X's official social media account also commented on Conway's upload. The account says that the Revision yourmark feature will recommend the best uploads stored in themark.

The summary of the best writing you've ever read, is live on your timeline. Coming soon," wrote the X account on Sunday, February 11. X did not provide further response when asked about the development of the feature.

This feature that is being developed has received quite various comments. Some users claim to be enthusiastic and can't wait until the feature is launched. However, some other users don't like the feature.

Those who disagree with the Revised Yourmark feature admit that they are disturbed by the appearance. This complaint makes quite sense because not everyone likes recommendations that will appear suddenly while rolling the screen.

It is not yet known whether the Revision yourmark feature can be controlled by its users. The platform also has not explained whether this feature will be available to all users or can only be felt by Premium users.