Exclusive, Jaya Suprana: Chinese New Year Is Not For Certain Groups, But For Everyone
On February 10 2024 or 2575 Kongzili, Chinese New Year will be celebrated again. This year is a celebration for the Wood Dragon zodiac sign. According to cultural observer Jaya Suprana whose birth name is Phoa Kok Tjiang, Chinese New Year is now celebrated not only by ethnic Chinese, but by everyone because Chinese New Year is for everyone. In 2024, the UN has determined that Chinese New Year will be celebrated throughout the world. "In the Indonesian context, when celebrating Chinese New Year we cannot forget Gus Dur's services," he stressed.
In the New Order era that was in power for 32 years, don't try to celebrate Chinese New Year openly. Because this is prohibited by Presidential Instruction (Inpres) No. 14/1967. President Soeharto, through this presidential decree, prohibited the Chinese community or anyone else from celebrating Chinese New Year in public. There were no open lion dance and liang lion performances like we see today.
However, during the reign of President Gus Dur or Abdurahman Wahid, the opposite policy was implemented. Through Presidential Instruction No. 6 of 2000, it revokes Presidential Instruction No. 14/1967 which has been in effect for more than three decades. After this Presidential Instruction was passed, the Chinese people were again able to celebrate Chinese New Year openly.
That is the reason why Jaya Suprana reminded everyone not to forget what Gus Dur had done. "Indeed, if we talk about open Chinese New Year celebrations in Indonesia, it is mandatory to remember Gus Dur's services. If it weren't for Gus Dur, today's Chinese New Year interview might not have happened," he said.
According to the Jamu Jago official, Gus Dur wants Chinese New Year to be celebrated not only for ethnic Chinese or other ethnic groups who celebrate. But for all Indonesian people. “I learned a lot from Gus Dur. He told me that Chinese New Year is celebrated not for certain ethnic groups, but for the entire Indonesian nation," continued Jaya Suprana, who accompanied Gus Dur almost every day when he became the number one person in Indonesia.
Not only talking about Chinese New Year, Jaya Suprana talked a lot about the role and progress of the Chinese community from the Old Order era until now, about Chinese New Year which has been celebrated throughout the world, acculturation, the progress of the Chinese community in the fields of politics, arts, culture and economics. He also shares the secret of why Chinese entrepreneurs can be successful. Regarding the future leaders who will be chosen in the presidential election this time, he feels that there is an issue that is not being discussed, namely about humanity which should be the crown of civilization. This is an excerpt from the complete interview with Edy Suherli, Bambang Eros and Irfan Medianto from VOI.
Talking about Chinese New Year celebrations in Indonesia after the reform era, we cannot eliminate the role of Gus Dur. He gave the Chinese people the freedom to celebrate Chinese New Year openly. What form of appreciation do Chinese friends have for Gus Dur?
Indeed, if we talk about open Chinese New Year celebrations in Indonesia, it is mandatory to remember Gus Dur's services. Without Gus Dur, today's Chinese New Year interview might not have happened. Because in the past, open Chinese New Year celebrations were prohibited. Coincidentally, when Gus Dur was president, I accompanied him almost every day. I learned a lot from Gus Dur. He told me that Chinese New Year is celebrated not for certain ethnic groups, but for the entire Indonesian nation.
As a cultural observer, he knows that Chinese New Year is a celebration that crosses nations, races, ethnicities, religions and cultures. Chinese New Year is celebrated to welcome the arrival of spring. Because according to Gus Dur it is strange that Chinese New Year celebrations are prohibited. And he is very visionary, the proof is that in 2024 the UN declared that the whole world will celebrate Chinese New Year. Not just for Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese. When it comes to appreciation, Gus Dur doesn't ask for anything. During Chinese New Year celebrations we always remember his services. Apart from Gus Dur, there are also friends who are also my teachers, such as Prof. Emil Salim, who is very caring. During the social unrest in May 1998, he was the first person to call me, asking how I was doing.
When open Chinese New Year celebrations are prohibited, how do you and your family celebrate?
For those who celebrate it within their respective families, because they can't do it openly. Our family doesn't celebrate, because we prefer Javanese or Kejawen. Our family philosophy is ojo dumeh, not Confucian.
After the Gus Dur era, is the role of descendants in the political field more empowered?
I think this is a distorted view, because since the New Order era, Kwik Kian Gie has been actively involved in the political stage. Soe Hok Gie has fought for this country. They have dedicated themselves to this country long before Chinese New Year celebrations were allowed openly. If anyone can take advantage of that momentum, please do. Kwik Kian Gie firmly taught me that we are Indonesian citizens, period. There are no hereditary frills. We don't like discrimination, so don't discriminate against yourself.
In the New Order era, in the political field the Chinese community was restricted, but in the economic field they were given freedom, and they really took advantage of it. It's no wonder that many figures were successful in business and were among the richest people, do you feel that way too?
I felt the New Order era, even though I wasn't as close to Gus Dur, I had met Mr. Soedomo, Mr. Soeparjo Roestam, Mr. Ibnu Soetowo, they were all my teachers, they never restricted our activities.
We have inherited the colonial school of thought, the strata of society are divided into first white people (Europeans), then Asian immigrants: Chinese, Arabs and Indians. And finally the natives. Then it is stated that certain groups experience discrimination, even though they do not. In the military field, there are many generals who come from ethnic groups. Who says they can't take part in the military field?
Get opportunities in the economic field, yes. If there are many people of descent who are successful in the economic field, it is not because they have had privileges but because of their own struggles. I know the Eka Tjipta family, the Tjiputra family, the Djarum family. My Gudang Garam family is not close. I know that they are successful because they struggle, not because they have privileges.
In the field of culture, what is the situation like, are you a very prominent figure?
There is the figure of Teguh Karya whose work in the world of acting and film is highly recognized. In the media field there is Auw Jong Peng-Koen or P.K Ojong. I just studied descendants writers like Njoo Cheong Seng, his writing is good. The narrative that was built was that none of the descendants of the residents were active in the cultural field. This isn't true. Indian descendants have had a lot of success in the film field, this is also due to hard work, not privilege.
In the culinary and batik fashion fields, this is also the case. So don't compartmentalize it. Those who are successful have a natural journey, don't be stigmatized because they have privileges. That's everyone's struggle, because there are many who are not successful.
In a political year like now, are you and your family drawn to support one of the candidate pairs or political parties?
It is the right of politicians to invite anyone who has the potential to support them, especially those who can provide financial support. And not all rich people are ethnic Chinese, Chairul Tanjung for example and many others. So once again, don't create a discriminatory climate, we are not an oppressed group, different from the negro groups in the past who experienced slavery.
If you look at the progress of Alvi Lie (PAN), Kwin Kian Gie (PDIP), Ahok (formerly Golkar, now PDIP), Tina Toon (PDIP), Charles Honoris (PDIP), etc., do they represent the Chinese group?
They represent their respective electoral districts, not certain ethnicities. At the end of SBY's term of office he signed a Presidential Decree prohibiting the use of Chinese terms. When someone commits a crime, for example corruption, don't bring up their ethnicity. The problem is that it can generalize the ethnicity, even though it was only one person who did it, so it was just an individual.
A similar thing also happens when someone is arrested on suspicion of terrorism. Don't just because he is Muslim makes you generalize that all people of the Islamic faith are the same. What if it happened in Northern Ireland or in India.
After the Reformation, the Indonesian Chinese Reform Party (PARTI), the Indonesian Assimilation Party (Parpindo), and the Community Forum for Indonesian Democratic Solidarity (Formasi) emerged, but they could not grow, what are the obstacles in your opinion?
This justifies Kwik Kian Gie's teachings that we are Indonesian citizens, period. PSI has also removed that identity. Regarding obstacles, I don't think there are any more now.
Currently, what is the most appropriate form of acculturation?
Now that everything has happened, anyone who wants to marry anyone, they can. Only religion cannot be different in marriage, because there is a law (UU No. 1 of 1974) that regulates this matter. But there are no obstacles to marrying people of different races, especially after Gus Dur allowed open Chinese New Year celebrations. Don't blame yourself when you can't reach a position. You should correct yourself first.
I have five theories about this, namely 5I, namely information, intelligence, intuition, initiative and the fifth, Insha Allah, if there is permission from the Almighty. The person who taught me this was William Suryajaya.
Apart from being an artist, you and your family have been involved in the production of Jamu Jago for a long time. What makes this business sustainable?
The recipe is 5I. No other. All with permission from the Almighty.
So at this age, what else do you want to achieve?
I experience changes from time to time. And currently still in the search period. I used to be a cartoonist, because through cartoons I made a living. Then I became a writer, because I was waiting to die. My job is writing. It's very easy to write anywhere, especially with a computer. Then I became a musician. I was waiting for my death, so I wanted to be human. This is the hardest thing about being human.
That's why I founded a humanitarian learning studio. This has become my belief, that humanity is the crown of civilization. Of the six leadership candidates who are running in the current contest, I have observed that they have talked a lot, but how come I can't find anything about humanity from them. So the crown of civilization is not politics, culture, economics or anything else but humanity.
As long as we put humanity above everything else we will not go wrong. This is what can be the glue for everything. Therefore, eliminate ethnic, tribal identities and what is currently still difficult, national identity. If we are united, there will no longer be a United Nations, everything will become a Human Unity. There is no longer the Palestinian problem, the Ukrainian problem, and there is no longer the problem of the two Chinas (Mainland China and Taiwan). There will also be no massacres because someone is accused of believing in communism. At that time my father became a victim too. So make humanity the crown of civilization.
Hopefully your call will be heard by Indonesian leaders!
Hear it, yes, but do they pay attention. Nowadays, many people are used to hearing but cannot listen. More and more people don't care. This means that civilization is not growing.
Jaya Suprana Sees That Rules Are Made To Be Broken
Rules should be made to be obeyed so as to make behavior and life order better. However, what Jaya Suprana found was the opposite. The traffic lights he found at an intersection in Jakarta were actually being violated in large numbers. Even more ironic, those who violate do not feel guilty, instead they feel proud.
“It turns out that the rules in our country are made not to be obeyed but to be broken. The proof that I saw myself when I was going here was that many people violated the traffic lights. Traffic lights are made to be broken, hehehe," he said with a chuckle.
What worries him is that feeling embarrassed when breaking the rules has not yet become a culture in this country. “I lived in Germany for a long time, at two o'clock at night people still obeyed the traffic lights. Returning to Indonesia at two in the afternoon, people here proudly break traffic lights. On the political stage it's the same way, our politicians no longer have any shame," added the man who became the best graduate in pianoforte from the Hochschule music, Muenster, Germany (1970).
Jaya Suprana quoted a prediction made by Jayabaya hundreds of years ago regarding the current era which was called a crazy era. "In crazy times, those who are not crazy will get nothing," said Jaya, who was born in Denpasar, January 27 1947.
Apart from the issue of shame, there is another Javanese philosophy that Jaya Suprana always reminds him of in his life. "There is ojo kesusu (don't rush), ojo gumunan (don't be surprised), the peak is ojo dumeh (don't take for granted)," he said.
The antics of the Constitutional Court
There was an interesting experience that Jaya Suprana had when he wanted to file a lawsuit regarding the legal regulations related to the 20% presidential threshold. He felt that this rule reduced the opportunities for a potential leader, who could not meet the 20% threshold, so he went to the Constitutional Court to propose changing this rule to 0%.
“But what I found when I came there. The Chief Justice said I had the wrong address. The problem is that if you want to change and make laws, it's not in the Constitutional Court, but in the legislative body which is tasked with making laws," said Jaya, imitating the statement of Anwar Usman, as Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court.
“I was very embarrassed, because it turned out I had the wrong address. And I went home first apologizing. I said I would withdraw my lawsuit. And then we will submit a lawsuit to the DPR RI," recalled the President Commissioner of the Jamu Jago Group.
However, how surprised he was when someone filed a lawsuit regarding the age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates at the Constitutional Court and it turned out that the Constitutional Court was accommodating, and the lawsuit was even granted and the text of the law was changed. "How come the Constitutional Court can change the rules regarding the boundaries of someone becoming a vice presidential candidate, how come?," said the founder of the Indonesian World Records Museum (MURI), shaking his head.
Humanity as the Crown of Civilization
At this age, Jaya Suprana still doesn't stop writing. Every day he can write up to six articles with various themes. “In the past, all my writing was accepted by Kompas, now they are overwhelmed with editing. "Finally I sent the writing every other day," said the composer, whose works have been performed in various parts of the world.
By writing he can express his heart and anxieties. “If someone thinks that what I wrote could be a legacy, that's great. "Just as long as it's not a curse, hehehe," he joked.
To prospective leaders who are currently competing to win the people's votes, he advised them to make humanity the crown of civilization. “Put humanity above everything else. "That way, the possibility of mistakes is smaller, so there is still the potential for mistakes because humans are not perfect," said the man who once gave a solo piano recital at Carnegie Hall, New York, United States (2014).
“On the contrary, don't put power or politics above everything else, this is a sign that destruction will come. "If you prioritize money above everything else then you will commit corruption," continued the founder of the Jaya Suprana School of Performing Arts.
Jaya Suprana is concerned about leaders who only use the people's votes, but forget after sitting in the seat of power. "Right now there is a lot of excitement about social assistance. Social assistance is good for the short term, like during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is appropriate. Sorry, this is for my beloved brother Jokowi, why does social assistance have to be distributed in front of the palace? However, what is needed more in the future is banday, aka power assistance. In the form of skills that make them independent. This can make people more empowered. "If social assistance continues, it can make them complacent," concluded the author of the book Encyclopedia of Kellirumology.
"This has become my belief, that humanity is the crown of civilization. Of the six leadership candidates who are running in the current contest, I have observed that they have talked a lot, but regarding humanity, I have lost them. So the crown of civilization is not politics, culture, economics or anything else but humanity,"