Ganjar Again Alludes To The Free Eating Program: What For? Late For Stunting!
BALIKPAPAN - Presidential Candidate number three, Ganjar Pranowo again mentioned the free lunch program which is often voiced by pair number two, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka. He said, if this program was given to handle stunting or tengkes, it would not be appropriate.
Ganjar conveyed this while attending the East Kalimantan People's Celebration at the Balikpapan BSCC Dome today, Tuesday, February 6. Initially, he did not agree if the free lunch program was considered a step to overcome tengkes.
"Mr. Ganjar agrees or not with the free meal program? What for? For stunting, it's wrong," said Ganjar in his speech before his supporters.
"It's too late. This understanding is not obtained (society, ed)," continued the former Governor of Central Java.
Instead of providing free lunch, tengkes intervention can actually be done in two ways. One, check regularly. Second, nutritional intake. So, God willing, the child is born healthy. The mother was born healthy," said Ganjar
"That is the importance of why pregnant women need good nutrition, good nutritional intake so that their children will not be stunted," continued the former Governor of Central Java.
In addition to health, pair number three, Ganjar-Mahfud has a program of '1 Poor Family, One Bachelor' to give children the ability.
"If they have grown well, are healthy, get good lessons, then they will be ready to work well," he said.
As previously reported, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka's promise to provide free lunch was highlighted during the last debate on Sunday night, February 4 yesterday. This moment occurred when Ganjar revealed his disapproval of this program.
Initially, Prabowo asked Ganjar about the free meal program if he was elected. "Mr. Ganjar, we know that many of our children are malnourished, stunted," said the Minister of Defense (Menhan).
"I want to ask if you agree with my idea to provide nutritious food for all Indonesian children to overcome the problem of stunting and eliminate extreme poverty and reduce maternal mortality when giving birth?", he asked Ganjar.
"If I give food to children to prevent stunting, I don't agree because you are late," replied Ganjar in the debate.