Cost Of IDR 70 Billion, Leuwipanjang Terminal Inaugurated By President Jokowi

JAKARTA - Leuwipanjang Terminal in Bandung, West Java, has just been inaugurated by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) after previously revitalizing. The terminal, which was built with a budget of IDR 70 billion, is now starting to fully operate.

Jokowi said that the terminal revitalization was carried out to change the terminal impression of slums, not neat, dirty, and many thugs to be neat and clean.

"If we look at today's Leuwipanjang Terminal which was built in Bandung City spent a budget of Rp. 70 billion, it's really cool," said Jokowi at the inauguration on Saturday, February 3, 2024.

Furthermore, Jokowi revealed that this improving terminal condition is expected to encourage people to return to using public transportation so as to reduce the level of congestion.

"This is to encourage people to return to using public transportation. Berkondong does not use private vehicles anymore, does not use private cars. If that continues, what will happen is congestion, which like us often experience in everyday life," he said.

Jokowi said that the congestion that occurred in big cities had caused many losses. In the city of Jakarta, for example, President Jokowi said that losses due to traffic jams could reach Rp100 trillion per year.

"I don't know how many calculations in the city of Bandung, but all the congestion cities have felt everything," he said.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi, explained that the revitalized terminals are not only to attract public interest in using public transportation, but can also become centers of community activities and encourage the local economy.

"These two terminals are examples of terminals that function properly and productively. Therefore, we carry out revitalizations which provide many benefits. Passengers are increasingly convinced because what we manage is better than before," said Budi.

The terminal revitalization with the concept of mixed use is an effort to change the terminal concept which used to only take passengers up and down bus arrivals, is currently a node for transportation, driving, and driving the economy as well as a forum for social activities and cultural arts.

In addition, through revitalization, it will improve safety, security, and services so that people are more comfortable using buses as public transportation.

For your information, the Bandung City Government in 2019 handed over the Type A Leuwipanjang Terminal to the Ministry of Transportation with a total land area of 30,768 m2.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Transportation revitalizes the terminal with a total cost of Rp. 80 billion from the APBN. The details, consisting of Rp. 65 billion in development from 2020 to 2023 and Rp. 15 billion for development in 2024.

The Leuwipanjang Terminal, which is located in Bandung, currently serves 637 buses per day with an average of 5,260 passengers per day.

Meanwhile, the Banjar Terminal with a total terminal land area of 22,206 m2 was revitalized at a cost of Rp67 billion from State Sharia Securities (SBSN) for construction from 2020 to 2022. This terminal serves 243 buses per day with a total passenger of 317 people per day.

Currently, West Java has 10 Type A Terminals, namely Sumedang Terminal, Tasikmalaya Terminal, Garut Terminal, Banjar Terminal, Kuningan Terminal, Sukabumi Terminal, Karawang Terminal, Leuwipanjang Terminal, Subang Terminal, Cirebon Terminal.