Kretek Girls Become The Most Influential Title Globally

JAKARTA - The year 2023 is a bright year for Indonesian stories. A number of films and series have become good conversations on social media, both in real terms. This was revealed by Netflix through Next on Netflix 2024.

One of the most talked about titles is the Kretek Girl. The series directed by Ifa Isfansyah and Kamila Andini. Since its release in November, this series is still a public conversation.

This 'Cretek Girl' is one of the titles that has an effect on global content. This proves that content from outside Hollywood is watched not only from Korea and one of them is, for example, Kretek Girl," said Putri Silalahi as PR Netflix Indonesia on Next on Netflix 2024.

Netflix revealed that Kretek girls reached the top 10 in Indonesia including ranking 1 for nine weeks. The series is also included in Top Global's top 10 for non-English-language titles.

"Indeed, this is something new in Indonesia, the concept of streaming is still early, but with so many choices it becomes a creative session and content and makes the ecosystem grow," said Rusli Eddy as Head of Content Netflix.

The presence of the Kretek Girl also has an impact on adding new users on Netflix and their characters that are still being discussed.

Consistent increase. The success of this title invites the addition of new users on Netflix. This definitely means that it is something that is not only in Indonesia but also on Netflix," continued Putri.

Like a Kretek Girl, with a production value it shows this series is not inferior to overseas. When given something new, the important thing is good, back to an authentic, relevant story, viewers can connect," she said again.

The Kretek girl tells the story of Lebas, who is assigned by her father to find her husband. Lebas, assisted by Arum (Putri Marino) to carry out this mission, took them to a secret that connects them.