8 Natural Ingredients That Can Be Used To Remove Smooth Badminton In The Face
JAKARTA - The growth of fine hair on the face can be a common problem for many people. And from a series of hair removal methods such as waxing, threading, and lasers. There are still a handful of people who prefer to use natural ingredients to remove hair.
Reporting from the Times of India page, Tuesday, January 30, here are some home remedies with natural ingredients that can help remove facial hair.
Pasta Kunyit
Mix turmeric pasta with water or milk to produce concentrated pasta consistency. Then, apply the turmeric pasta to the area of fine hair around the face that you want to remove. Let stand until it drys, then gently massage with a twisting motion.
The turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory substances and has long been used by beauty experts in removing hair.
Besan flour mask and rose water
Mix the flour of besan and rose water into pasta. Apply the pasta to the face and focus on the hairy area. Let it dry and then rub. Besan Flour functions to exfoliate the skin while rose water softens and adds to the fresh impression when facial skin is touched.
Egg white masks
Take the egg white part and shake it until it foams. Apply on the face until the liquid drys. When dry, peel or wash your face gently. This method is believed to help tighten the skin and remove fine hair on the face.
Pepaya and turmeric masks
Blender raw papaya with a pinch of turmeric powder. Apply to the face and soft massage. Let stand for 15-20 minutes before washing clean. Pepaya contains enzymes that can weaken hair follicles, while turmerics contribute to providing anti-inflammatory effects.
Scrub lemon and sugar
Mix sugar with lemon juice to produce scrubs. Then, apply this scrub to a hairy face while rubbed with a twisting motion. Rins with warm water. Lemon acts as a natural bleach while sugar can help exfoliate.
Banana and oatmeal Scrubs
Blenders of raw bananas and foammeals to make pasta thick. Then apply it to facial skin and let stand for about 15-20 minutes. Then, gently rub until the scrub grains disappear from the face. Oatmeal can exfoliate while bananas contain a number of nutrients that are good for the skin.
Fries and lentil beans
Soak the yellow lentil beans overnight and smooth them into pasta. Parut potatoes and take water from the extract. Mix the lentil peanut paste with potato extract water, then apply it to the face. Let it dry up before it is rubbed slowly. Lentil is known to inhibit hair growth while potatoes are known to lighten the skin.
Spearmint tea
Spearmint tea or tea made from a brew of high mint leaves and compounds that are beneficial to the body. Several studies suggest the routine consumption of this tea to remove excess hair in women because this tea contains anti-androgenic content.