Prabowo Alludes To Leadership: If There Are Lacking Seniors, Don't Be Vilified

JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate Rabowo Subianto alluded to leadership when attending a discussion entitled 'Financial Industry & Capital Market On Roadmap Towards Golden Indonesia' which was held by the Prabowo-Gibran National Economic Movement Volunteer or Genderang at Ritz Carlton.

Prabowo initially explained about several countries whose per capita income is lower than Indonesia but has run a free lunch program for children. For example, India, whose program has been running for more than 5 years.

Prabowo said this because there were several parties who looked down on the flagship program, namely providing free lunch and milk for children and pregnant women.

"So if someone says this and that, yes, these are people who always think negatively, who don't want to think about the best for their own nation. Are there people like that? Yes," Prabowo said in his speech, Monday, January 29.

In fact, Prabowo continued, these parties like to badmouth their own nation in front of foreigners. Including older people.

"If there are seniors, there are parents who may have shortcomings, yes mbok, they are not vilified in front of other people," he said.

The Minister of Defense revealed that he learned a lot about leadership when he was a soldier. So, Prabowo understands how to be respectful to others.

"So I think learning leadership can most be used with experience in the army. So between soldiers and entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs and soldiers, military leaders and business leaders, it's almost the same. Because what the leader needs is decisition, decisiion, dedication and also careership.Leadership is the management type, how to manage people, how to lead people and how to take care of people. So one of the principles in regulating humans is yes mbok, don't be bad at people," he explained.

"If there is one, this is my experience in the army, yes, if the commander comes every day, the commander ends up vilifying his subordinates, let alone vilifying his subordinates in front of other people, his subordinates are sad. Even though we want him to fight," he continued.

The chairman of the Gerindra Party then brought up his opponent in the 2024 presidential election who gave a bad value to his performance as Minister of Defense. It is known that during the presidential candidate debate some time ago Prabowo was given a score of 11 out of 100 by the presidential candidate number 1, Anies Baswedan.

"But if it's a rival, I don't understand. I'm okay to be given a score of 11, I'm not okay," he concluded.