KPU Prepares Sanctions For Padangsidempuan KPU Members Who Are Affected By OTT Extortion Of Candidates

KPU Commissioner Parsadaan Harahap said his party would impose sanctions on Padangsidempuan KPU members who were caught in a hand arrest operation (OTT) carried out by the North Sumatra Pungli Saber Team.

"We will prepare the sanctions that apply to the Padang Sidempuam KPU person," said Parsadaan Harahap in Medan, Monday, January 29.

He said all KPU commissioners, both at the central and district/city levels, would be sanctioned if they violated the law.

"What is clear is that from the institution there are sanctions, in accordance with regulations and regulations," he said.

Tm Saber Pungli Polda Sumut menggeruk angogta KPU Padangsidempuan atas dugaan pemerasan kepada salah satu calon legislatif di daerah itu.

Dalam hal itu, Parsadaan Harahap mengatakan KPU RI menyerahkan sepenuhnya kasus tersebut kepada pihak penegak hukum untuk proses lebih lanjut.

"Until today, we have not received any information, suspects or not. What is certain is that the person concerned has been taken to the North Sumatra Regional Police, we will hand it over to the authorities," he said.

In an effort to prevent, said Parsadaan, the KPU asked all district/city KPU ranks to comply with applicable regulations so that they are not caught in legal problems.

"I am one of them to North Sumatra, in the context of prevention. It has happened, we are waiting for the progress of the legal case. For that, I remind all ranks of the KPU throughout Indonesia, not to take actions against the law," he said.