The Reason Why The Ex-Naif Pepeng Changed The Stage Name To Franki Indrasmoro

Welcoming the solo project that will start next February, Pepeng, ex-Naif, decided to expand his stage name to Franki Indrasmoro.

Pepeng's name has been used since his debut as drummer for Naif in 1998. Meanwhile, Franki Indrasmoro is his birth name.

Of course it is not easy to decide to change the stage name. Franki admitted that he talked a lot with fellow musicians and seniors before making the decision.

After talking to many people, Franki met two opinions that he often met. One opinion asks him to keep using Pepeng's name, while other opinions support changing the name of the stage.

"Some say 'Come on, just use Oepeng, it's much easier for the audience to message. If you look for the name Pepeng google, it's already up to you'," said Franki Indrasmoro when contacted by VOI, Monday, January 29.

"But there are also inputs that say 'If you really want to get out of the title Naif, and especially according to Mas Pepeng, I think it's very unlikely that Naif will reunite, so that's fine, just leave the name Pepeng,' he continued.

Franki feels more compatible with the second opinion. Not only wanting to release Naif from his name, but he sees little possibility of Naif returning to unity.

"I think I agree more with the last input. So, it was very challenging at the beginning, but when I got it it it would be more comfortable," he said.

Franki Indrasmoro is well aware of the difficulties he faces, especially since his solo project will only begin. However, he believes he will be more comfortable wearing a new name which is also his birth name.

"Using a new name for the long term will be much more comfortable. It will definitely take a process, only if you get it, in the future it will be more comfortable," concluded Franki Indrasmoro.