Ministry Of PUPR Builds Unismuh Palu Student Flats

PALU - Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Sulawesi II Housing Provision Implementation Center (BP2P) built flats (rusun) for students of Muhammadiyah University (Unismuh) Palu, Central Sulawesi.Head of BP2P Sulawesi II Bakhtiar said this flat is one of many flats that have been built by the Ministry of PUPR as the government's commitment to supporting the improvement of the quality of education in universities and schools."Alhamdulillah, thanks to the hard work and good coordination of all parties involved, finally this flat can stand majestic," said Bakhtiar in Palu, Antara, Monday, January 29.The flat was built by the BP2P Sulawesi II Work Unit (Satker) and the key of the flat was handed over to the Chancellor of Unismuh Palu on Friday last week. The key submission indicates that the flat is ready to be inhabited by students as well as granting management rights to the university.The flat one tower with two floors was built on an area of 1,52 square meters which has a building area of 590.75 square meters.The flat has 12 units of space consisting of 10 units of standard space and two units of disabled space. There is also one unit of multipurpose space and one unit of the management room."Each unit of the room or room is equipped with flat beds, tables and study chairs, wardrobes, and bathrooms that are equipped with toilet seats," he said.In addition, there are also facilities such as ground water tanks for the reservoir capacity of three units which can accommodate 6,600 liters of water, a light fire extinguisher (apar), a garden light, and an electric power of 23 kilovolt amperes capable of supporting the activities of the residents of the flats.Bakhtiar hopes that these flats can provide benefits and realize hopes for all parties, especially for students who will later occupy flats and take education to achieve their goals.Meanwhile, the Chancellor of Unismuh Palu Prof. Dr H Rajindra expressed his deepest gratitude to the Ministry of PUPR, especially BP2P Sulawesi II who has cared and are willing to provide flat assistance for students.He said the flats would be prioritized for students from outside Palu City to live in flats."There are still students who have limitations to paying rental houses or boarding houses, especially for those whose parents are underprivileged," he said.
He hopes to get rusun assistance from the Ministry of PUPR again and make the flat environment more beautiful by planting trees. The Chancellor also said that he would guard the flats so that they could be used in the long term.