Bulog Rice Attached By Prabowo-Gibran Sticker, AMIN National Team Asks Bawaslu To Investigation To Jokowi

JAKARTA - The Anies-Muhaimin National Winning Team (Timnas AMIN) asked the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) to carry out intense supervision of the President following the Prabowo-Gibran sticker on Bulog rice.

"We ask Bawaslu to be more intense in supervising President Jokowi, especially after he stated that he would participate in the campaign," said AMIN National Team Spokesperson Iwan Tarigan, Friday, January 26.

The AMIN national team also assessed that his son, the President, who participated in the 2024 presidential election contestation, was very vulnerable to abusing the functions and objectives of Social Assistance itself.

Iwan also asked the Government and Bulog to transparently distribute social assistance and prioritize accountability in the social assistance program.

"The implementers of social assistance must prioritize the principles of neutrality of fair professionalism and inclusiveness and society, NGOs and Bawaslu need to oversee the distribution of social assistance," explained Iwan.

He emphasized that Bansos should not be used as a tool to win certain candidate pairs, because according to law, Iwan said, corruption and abuse of power or abuse of power are very severe.

"Social assistance is used by unlawfully in accordance with the mechanism and designation by state officials to benefit or harm one of the election participants, so Article 547 of Law 7 of 2017 concerning Elections applies," said Iwan,

For this reason, the Bansos budget sourced from the APBN which is affixed with Prabowo-Gobran stickers will cause benefits to certain parties, so the AMIN national team asks Bawaslu to strictly enforce the law.