Will Be Different Designed, The Coordinating Ministry's Building In IKN Can Be Driven By Flying Taxis

JAKARTA - The government ensures that the development of the National Capital City (IKN) of the Archipelago will carry the concept of Future Smart Forest City which will be supported by futuristic concepts and high technology.

This includes the development of office buildings and mass transportation equipment.

The IKN Collaboration Team of the Ministry of PUPR Sofian Sibarani said that buildings in IKN Nusantara would prioritize the concept of smart buildings or smart buildings. These include the Office Building of the Coordinating Ministry (Kemenko), which will be made with different concepts from the offices of ministries and institutions in DKI Jakarta today.

Sofian said, in his big plan, the office building will be made with a very modern concept, ranging from high-tech to many open spaces without barrier barriers, aka cubic.

In addition, what is also planned in the design of the Coordinating Ministry's Office is that flying taxis can be accommodated.

"It's not impossible if one day people fly to work instead of drive to work. Yes, we have also prepared spots in this building," Sofian said in the Socialization of the Minister of PUPR Regulation Number 10 of 2023 at ARTOTEL Suites Mangkuluhur, South Jakarta, Wednesday, January 24.

Thus, if one day flying vehicles such as flying taxis operate en masse, especially in the Central Government Core Area (KIPP) of IKN, the point is already available and it remains to be developed further.

Even so, said Sofian, this is still a discourse.

Because, according to him, the physical planner must plan the function of the building in the long term for the future.

"So, at the time of construction in the 90s, at that time the building could still be valid until the 2000s, for example, or 2010 to 2020s. Meanwhile, if we build for 2050, the technology is not yet, but it has led to it. The task is the physical planer, right, the building must be at least useful for decades, yes," he said.

In addition, Sofian assessed, in the basic concept, this will be difficult to implement.

This is because the Office of the Coordinating Ministry itself is very close to the State Palace.

He considered that in the area there was a ban on the operation of flying equipment.

"I think it's too early to say that in IKN there will be a drone taxi. Because there is one further consideration, namely that the drone is actually operated by water navigation. Incidentally, the Coordinating Ministry's office is in front of the palace. The palace should not have something flying," said Sofian.

"Yes, but the spirit is who knows, in the future it will be different. We don't know that in the next 20 years there could be drones in areas that need high security, but it can be regulated properly, for example," he concluded.