West Kalimantan Police PTHD Is Its Personnel, Kapolda: They Are Not Eligible To Be Maintained

The West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan) Regional Police gave sanctions for dishonorable dismissal or PTHD to six of its personnel because they were considered to have tarnished the good name of the Police.

"In addition to giving awards to 45 personnel who are of outstanding value, we also give sanctions to 6 personnel in the form of dishonorable dismissal for tarnishing the good name of the Police," said West Kalimantan (Kalbar) Police Chief Inspector General Pipit Rismanto while leading the award ceremony (reward) and dishonorable dismissal (punishment) at Jananuraga Square, Wednesday, January 24, confiscated by Antara.

He emphasized that rewards and punishment are efforts to improve the quality of human resources in the National Police institution.

"This punishment (PTHD) was implemented after going through a professional code of ethics trial which concluded that they were not like being maintained as members of the National Police," said Pipit.

Furthermore, Pipit explained, awarding involved high-ranking authorities, including the Chief of the Indonesian National Police, General Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

In this ceremony, two Kubu Raya Police personnel received awards from the National Police Chief, while the West Kalimantan Police Chief gave certificates of appreciation to 43 West Kalimantan Police personnel who were considered outstanding in carrying out their duties.

The details of the award recipients involve 41 personnel from the Ditreskrimum who highlight their achievements and dedication in law enforcement in handling TIP at the Polda and ranks level.

In addition, a member of the Narcotics Directorate is appreciated for his performance in filing as many as 161 case files, while another person from the Legal Sector gets an award for legal assistance in 44 cases.

"The importance of dedication and sacrifice of Polri personnel in carrying out their duties is also reflected in the award given to two Kubu Raya Police personnel. They are recognized for their dedication and sacrifice to anticipate the possibility of a DAMRI bus crash that broke down on the Kapuas II toll bridge using a private motorbike, preventing casualties," he said.