Platform X Fixes Bug Problem In Transparency Feature

JAKARTA Platform X, formerly known as Twitter, has fixed the problem in its latest feature, namely the Transparency feature. They miscoupled the label on the user upload.

This new feature should provide a label according to the user's upload, but what happens is the opposite. Some users get the wrong label, such as the Sensitive Media label even though the upload is only in the form of ordinary media.

For this matter, Security X blames bugs in the Transparency system. They said that, 'There's a bug in our system that causes X to label the wrong number of posts as Sensitive Media.'

Owner X Elon Musk said that the bug was caused by an error spam bot or scam. Accidentally, the bot used by X is wrong in labeling various accounts.

X realizes that this labeling error can harm users. Therefore, X immediately fixes the basic problem and removes the wrong labels from the affected accounts.

We have fixed the fundamental problem.... All the affected posts have been fixed and the wrong label applied has been removed, "explained Security X through their official social media.

The Transparency feature was released only on Thursday, January 11. Through this feature, the X platform wants to label the user's account according to the handling type. This label is important because it affects the reach of the audience.

Therefore, system errors in labeling can be a serious problem. For now, the new Transparency feature is added to 16 million X users. The addition of this label will be expanded again in the near future.