6 Tips For Eliminating The Fear Of Riding A Plane, Try Applying It While Flying
YOGYAKARTA - Boarding a plane is still a frightening experience for not a few people. Apart from high-phobia, some people are afraid to get on a plane for fear of being in a narrow space and imagine the bad risks that happen. If you are one of them, there are a number of tips about eliminating the fear of getting on a plane that you need to know.
Even though aircraft are the safest transportation compared to other modes of transportation such as trains, buses, or ships. However, some people are still worried and afraid when asked to take the plane. Especially when it is the first time they take this air transportation.
Of course, the fear of boarding this plane can be annoying if you need to travel by air transportation. If you plan to leave town or abroad, then you need to know tips for eliminating the fear of boarding a plane so you don't worry and worry.
In time, everyone may feel the plane. Like it or not, traveling by plane will be needed both for work, holidays, and business purposes. Therefore, if you are one of those who are afraid to board a plane, you must start trying to overcome it.
Here are some ways to relieve the fear of getting on a plane that you need to know:
The first step you have to do to overcome the fear of boarding the plane is to first recognize the cause. There are various factors that make a person afraid to get on a plane, such as high phobia, uncomfortable being in a narrow space, to worry about an accident.
You need to know what causes fear when you are about to board the plane. Once you know what triggers your worries, then you can think of a solution to overcome them. For example, if you are afraid of heights, then you should not choose a seat near the window and avoid looking out the glass.
The next tip you can do to overcome the fear of boarding an airplane is to understand the concept of turbulence. Turbulence is a state when there is a drastic change in speed and pressure of air flow. Airplanes that take off and start flying will experience turbulence that causes shocks.
Guncangan yang terjadi pada pesawat sering membuat penumpang kaget dan khawatir, terlebih bagi Anda yang baru pertama kalin pesawat. Namun Anda tidak perlu khawatir karena turbulence adalah kondisi yang wajar terjadi pada pesawat. Pesawat telah diran khusus untuk menghadapi dan menministrasi turbulence.
Another way you have to do to get rid of the fear of boarding a plane is to increase confidence. You have to build confidence before getting into the plane room until when it takes off.
When boarding a plane, you must always think positively and maintain calm. Trust the flight to the pilot who will take you to your destination. Don't worry, because the pilots who fly your plane are professional and experienced officers.
Control your negative thoughts when you are about to take a plane to travel to another city or abroad. Negative thoughts are easy to haunt and increase your fear of getting on a plane.
So get rid of all the negative shadows from your mind, then focus on thinking about positive things. Eliminate thoughts about plane accidents, thunderstorms, and other bad things. Always imagine that you are happy to get on a plane and fly to do good goals.
To divert fear while on the plane, you should do activities on the seat. You can do fun activities that can relieve anxiety and worry. For example, watching movies, reading books, listening to podcasts, and so on.
The last tip you need to do to get rid of the fear of boarding the plane is to focus on your travel destination. By imagining the location you are going to, it can divert anxiety and worry. Think that you will reach your destination with pleasure, then do the activities you have planned.
Those are some tips to relieve the fear of getting on a plane that you need to know. If you are one of those people who are afraid to get on a plane, then try to apply some of the methods above. Also read tips for sleeping well on the plane.
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