TPN Claims 18 Provinces Of Lumbung Suara Ganjar-Mahfud

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Advisory Council of the United Development Party (PPP) DPP as well as the TPN Expert Council Ganjar-Mahfud, Muhammad Romahurmuziy, said that there were 18 provinces that were the granaries of the presidential-vice presidential candidate pair number 3 Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD in the 2024 presidential election.

"We have 18 provinces where Ganjar gets the advantage today based on the data and data triangulation we have," said the man who is familiarly called Romy during an exclusive interview with ANTARA in Jakarta as reported by ANTARA, Friday, January 19.

According to him, the mapping of 18 provinces was obtained through a survey, discussions of directed groups/focus groups (FGD) as well as sentiment netizens or netizens who were arrested on all social media platforms.

Nevertheless, Romy was reluctant to mention where the province was located.

"Of course I can't tell you everything, because it's a kitchen secret, and it's related to our strategy," he argued.

Previously, on Sunday (14/1), PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto stated that all general chairmen of political parties carrying the presidential and vice presidential candidate pair Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud Md had prepared various options for facing the general meeting campaign method or open campaign in the 2024 presidential election.

"We have prepared various campaign options from Mrs. Mega, Mr. Ganjar, Prof. Mahfud, Mr. Mardiono, Mr. Hary Tanoe, Mr. Andika and Mr. Sandiaga Uno," said Hasto in Jakarta, Sunday.

Then, 18 provinces that became PDIP's vote barn in the 2019 Election will be the concentration of PDIP in winning Ganjar-Mahfud.

Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the PDI-P was able to earn 27.05 million votes or 19.33 percent of the national legitimate votes in the 2019 election. Central Java became the largest voter of the PDIP in the 2019 election.

Of these votes, Central Java contributed 5.77 million votes or about 21.32 percent of the national legal votes won by the PDI-P in the 2019 election.

The next largest vote for the PDI-P came from East Java, which was 4.32 million votes or 15.97 percent, followed by West Java with 3.51 million votes or 12.97 percent, DKI Jakarta with 1.63 million votes or 6 percent, North Sumatra with 1.4 million votes or 5.19 percent.

Then, Bali 1,257,590 votes, Banten 914,719 votes, Lampung 887,416 votes, West Kalimantan 786,796 votes, DI Yogyakarta 654,088 votes, North Sulawesi 564,703 votes, South Sumatra 543,675 votes, East Nusa Tenggara 450,635 votes, South Sulawesi 380,029 votes, Riau 378,913 votes, Papua 368,618 votes, Central Kalimantan 354,331 votes, South Kalimantan 334,396 votes.