Had A 3 Day Fever, Glenn Fredly's Daughter Was Sentenced To Pneumonia

JAKARTA - Unpleasant news came from the Mutia Ayu family, the wife of the late Glenn Fredly who told about their daughter's health condition, Gewa.

Mutia Ayu said that her daughter had to get pneumonia or pneumonia. The initial symptom felt by the princess was fever for 3 consecutive days which eventually made her bring the princess to the hospital.

"Yes, I had a hot temperature of 3 days, 42 degrees and was taken to the ER. Then Gewa was checked, yes, it was X-rayed. Yes, quomonia (pulmonary inflamed)," said Mutia Ayu in the Mampang Prapatan area, South Jakarta, Thursday, January 18.

When asked about the cause of the daughter's illness, Mutia said that this could happen because of bad air conditions due to pollution. In addition, the increasing number of people who smoke is also one of the causes of pneumonia in their daughters.

"Because there is pollution, many smoke, the air is not good," said Mutia Ayu.

Furthermore, this 28-year-old woman said that if Gewa's condition had not fully recovered, she still had to go back and forth to the hospital to undergo steam for her breathing.

In addition, Mutia Ayu also has not allowed her daughter to return to school after seeing Gewa's condition, who still likes to experience shortness of breath.

"He's not stable yet, so he's still not in school anymore," concluded Mutia Ayu.