Film Synopsis Bu Tejo Sowan Jakarta: Bu Tejo's Adventure In The Capital City

JAKARTA - Bu Tejo's iconic character is growing on the big screen. A film Bu Tejo Sowan Jakarta produced by Clock Work Films officially airs starting today.

The film, directed by Andi Bachtiar Yusuf, still makes Siti Fauziah a central figure. This time, the film focuses on family, cultured, and love.

Check out the synopsis of Bu Tejo Sowan Jakarta:

Bu Tejo Sowan Jakarta tells the story of Mrs. Tejo (Siti Fauziah) who regularly holds social gatherings at her house. Every time they gather, they always don't forget to schedule a grant until a meeting, they plan to have a picnic.

Mrs. Tejo and a group of women plan to have a picnic at the end of next month. In the midst of the excitement of discussing the agenda, Mrs. Tejo's eldest son, Teddy returns home.

Teddy apparently got questions from mothers who questioned when he got married. Teddy, who was initially reluctant to answer, actually explained to Mrs. Tejo that his girlfriend was ready to get married.

Mrs. Tejo, who was happy to hear the news, immediately contacted Pak Tejo. She asked her husband to go home soon so she could discuss the wedding plans.

However, Mrs. Tejo was surprised to learn that Teddy's lover was of Chinese descent. Mrs. Tejo felt embarrassed to reveal the fact because she was embarrassed by the neighbors.

Teddy also plans to invite all villagers to Jakarta to meet his girlfriend and the brand wedding plan can still work.

Besides Siti Fauziah, this film also stars Dyah Mulani, Brilliana Arfira, Aditya Lakon, and Putri Manjo.

The film Bu Tejo Sowan Jakarta will air starting today, Thursday, January 18 in Indonesian cinemas.