The Case Of High School Student Bullying In Ciputat Is Still Rolling, The Police Will Determine The Suspect In The Near Future

TANGERANG The case of bullying allegedly carried out by alumni of SMA 4 Pondok Ranji with the initials DN against his junior in the Ciputat area, South Tangerang, is still ongoing.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Tangerang Police, AKP Alvino, said the case was still under investigation. He said that the determination of the suspect was carried out in the near future.

"(The determination of the suspect-ed) is still in process. Maybe not long away," said Alvino when confirmed, Wednesday, January 17.

For now, the perpetrator is still a witness. He promised that his party would handle this bullying case quickly and thoroughly.

"While still (with the status of) witnesses because we are still in the process. We will accelerate, basically we will be subjective," he said.

Meanwhile, the victim's condition is still being assisted by the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA).

"For the time being, the victim is still under PPA assistance. For the next process, from the results of the examination, investigation, we will inform you again," he concluded.

A viral video on social media shows the bullying of high school students in the Ciputat area, Pondok Ranji, South Tangerang.

In the video, two students are seen fighting. There was also one student who used the hijab to witness the action.

The alleged perpetrator pushed the victim into the trash. It also became a joke between the perpetrator and his friends.

The head of the local RT, Boy Hendrawan, confirmed the incident. The incident occurred in the Marine Horse Complex Park, Ciputat, South Tangerang, Wednesday, January 10, during the day.