Dialogue With Young People, Anies Calls Now Gibran And Ganjar Follow Campaign Style

TAPANULI TENGAH - Candidate for president (candidate) number 1, Anies Baswedan responded to other presidential and vice presidential candidates who had started dialogue and questions and answers with young people during the campaign period.

Anies actually appreciated the steps taken by other presidential and vice-presidential candidates to participate in discussions with the public in special events.

"We are grateful. Following that requires great heart. So I respect the greatness of their hearts to participate on the route we are taking," said Anies at Dr. Ferdinand Lumban Tobing Airport, Pinangsori District, Central Tapanuli Regency, Friday, January 12.

Since the beginning of the campaign period, Anies has often held the "Desak Anies" event which was attended by youth groups in various cities or regencies in Indonesia. In the event, young people asked about any problems to be answered by Anies.

Now, presidential candidate number 3 Ganjar Pranowo also held an event called "Demokr(e)asi", then Mahfud MD with the acada "Tabrak Prof!". The discussion concept is similar, namely Ganjar and Mahfud sitting in the middle surrounded by young people to answer every question asked.

Most of the questions asked are about how the vision and mission and development programs and the welfare of the community will run if they win the 2024 presidential election.

Likewise with vice presidential candidate number 2, Gibran rakabuming Raka, who has an activity entitled "Gibran Hearing". In activities that are often carried out when campaigning to this area, Gibran heard complaints from various levels of society and responded to their aspirations.

According to Anies, discussion activities by answering spontaneous questions from the community made the presidential and vice-presidential campaigns more qualified.

"The campaign is not about the installation of banners. But the campaign is about ideas, ideas, and track records, and it starts with discussion activities, then the second is direct dialogue with the whole community. One of them is through live TikTok," explained Anies.