YouTube Launches Information Health Meeting For First Aid

JAKARTA As an effort to improve quality health content, YouTubekini displays credible videos when users search for first aid content or emergency care.

To make it easier for searches, YouTube will display video recommendations on information health shelves for first aid. All recommendations for this video will contain a brief explanation of the topics searched for by users.

"The information range shows an easy-to-following video with the aim of helping people quickly, finding credible first aid information, and can be followed up without reading or listening to complicated instructions," YouTube said in an official statement.

YouTube guarantees the credibility of the videos shown on health shelves as they cooperate with official health organizations. The videos shown come from Mass General Bringham and the Mexican Red Cross.

The content created by these two health services will appear if the user is looking for a keyword that YouTube has determined. These keywords are CPR, strangling orheimlich, bleeding, heart attacks, strokes, convulsions, and opioidal overdose.

The plan, YouTube will launch this update globally. However, for now, information health shelves for first aid are only available in the United States with English and Spanish support.

By showing informative health shelves, YouTube wants to improve quality video access for users who don't have medical training. This video will also help users practice.

"We are committed to utilizing video power to make public health information really public and we are always trying to increase the number of leading health content creators from various backgrounds," explained YouTube.