Police Arrest Land Burners In Jambi, Lighters And Diesel Oil Confiscated

JAMBI - Police have arrested the perpetrators of forests and land fire (karhutla) in Sungai Jadam Kanal 12, Parit 12, Karya Maju Village, Pengabuan District, Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency, Jambi.

"The perpetrator with the initials W (32) was secured with evidence in the form of a lighter that was used to burn the land, diesel oil inside the bottles, firewood and machetes used to cut land," said the Head of Public Relations of the Jambi Regional Police, Grand Commissioner Mulia Prianto, in Jambi, as quoted by Antara, Monday, February 22.

The perpetrators were secured when personnel carried out patrols to prevent forest and land fires as well as checking water canals and installing billboards in forest and land fire-prone locations in West Tanjab Regency. On the way, the team saw thick smoke at the location.

"The personnel who were on patrol saw thick smoke rising high at the location of Kanal 12 Jadam, and when the officers were checking it was found that the perpetrator was suspected of burning," continued Grand Commissioner Mulia.

During the interrogation, the perpetrator admitted burning the land because he had just bought the land and then intended to clear the land by slashing and burning. But his actions were against the law.

Perpetrators are subjected to Article 108 of Law Number 39 of 2014 which states that anyone who opens and/or cultivates land by burning as referred to in Article 56 paragraph (1) will be sentenced to 10 (ten) years in prison.