Follow The Latest Regional Regulation, Puskesmas Tariffs In Bandung Increase From IDR 3,000 To IDR 15,000
BANDUNG - Bandung City Government (Pemkot) adjusted the puskesmas tariff from Rp. 3,000 to Rp. 15,000 following the issuance of Regional Regulation (Perda) of Bandung City Number 1 of 2024 concerning Regional Taxes and Regional Retribution.Acting (Pj) Mayor of Bandung Bambang Tirtoyuliono said the issuance of the latest regional regulation was based on the consideration of current economic conditions, as well as to improve services to the community.“ Of course, this tariff increase should not be burdensome. I'm sure why? Because the current conditions do not burden patients. With the current condition of economic growth which has improved quite well, ” he said in Bandung, West Java, Antara, Wednesday, January 10.Bambang ensured that this tariff adjustment would make the services of all puskesmas in Bandung City to patients even more increased."“ We have the latest regional regulation on tariff adjustments for puskesmas services and this needs to be a kind of massive education and socialization," he said.He further stated that later all puskesmas in the city of Bandung will be designated as Regional Public Service Agency (BLUD).Setelah ditetapkan menjadi BLUD, kata dia, seluruh puskesmas dapat melakukan pengelolaan keuangan sendiri, termasuk pengolahan dari sisi pengadaan barang dan jasa yang selama ini berada di bawah Dinas Kesehatan (Dinkes)."We encourage 80 health centers in the city of Bandung to become and some have become BLUDs. So like it or not, we reduce the burden of the APBD for the implementation of the puskesmas," he said.Meanwhile, the Head of the Bandung City Health Office, Anhar Hadian, said that with the adjustment to the tariff, the puskesmas would no longer subsidize general patients."Jadi tariff lama itu kira-kira tahun 2010, berarti sudah 14 tahun. Sementara harga kebutuhan untuk obat, alat kesehatan, dan sebagainya, kan setiap tahun juga naik. Dengan tarif sebelumnya Rp3.000 puskesmas itu mensubsidi pasien umum,” kata Anhar.
He ensured that the tariff adjustment to Rp. 15,000 would not affect the participants of the Health Social Security Administering Agency (BPJS). “ If BPJS patients will not be affected at all, they want to increase five times, 10 times, because they use BPJS, it must be free,” he said.