Kemenkop UKM Suspects Political Parties Import Campaign Attributes, Here's The Explanation

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (Kemenkop UKM) suspects that there are political parties (parpol) that buy campaign props, such as billboards, t-shirts, shirts, jackets and hats from abroad.

Deputy for Micro Business at the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs Yulius said this can be seen from the sluggish sales of campaign props at MSMEs, especially those engaged in convection and sablon during the 2024 election campaign.

In fact, he said, during the campaign period for the previous election period or in 2019, MSMEs were actually flooded with orders.

"The election 5 years or 10 years ago ordered many goods to MSMEs. Now ordering to run for direct e-commerce, and also what we know is that the e-commerce goods are mostly from abroad, while those from MSMEs are few," said Yulius at the MSME Revenue Development Press Conference During the Election Period at the Kemenkop UKM Building, Jakarta, Monday, January 8.

Yulius also admitted that he could not specify the data related to the purchase of campaign props from abroad by political parties.

He admitted that he got the information from the traders.

"We see that the data doesn't exist. (Party attributes) are printed abroad, one of which is in China. They can draw Garuda stamps there. However, the data doesn't exist. Most of them ran there, that's why one of the causes of the reduction (omset) is," he said.

He added, based on the results of field observations carried out by his party, it was found that product sales for the campaign in the previous election period, namely that in 2019 it was felt better than the 2024 election.

"Although there is a demand, it is not as busy as and not as many previous elections. It is considered that there has been a drastic decrease in product sales for campaigns of around 40 percent to 90 percent," he said.

When asked further whether the Kemenkop UKM would hold a meeting with party candidates, Yulius admitted that there would not be any.

"Maybe if it's not a meeting, we'll just convey the appeal," he added.