Its Habitat Is Submerged By Floods, 2 Sumatran Elephants Enter Residents' Settlements In Riau

RIAU - At least two Sumatran elephants, the Elephas maximus sumatranus wild, entered a settlement in Makmur Village, Kerinci Barat District, Pelalawan Regency, Riau Province.

The animal from the North Tesso elephant pocket entered the settlement because its habitat was flooded.

"The habitat is indeed flooded today because the intensity of rainfall is quite high. So elephants are looking for dry places to defend their lives," Head of Region I BBKSDA Riau Andri Hansen Siregar in Pekanbaru, Monday, January 8, was confiscated by Antara.

Hansen said that the appearance of this buried animal had disturbed residents. Therefore, currently the Riau BBKSDA team is still monitoring around the location.

According to him, this elephant is moving from Rantau Baru, to the east heading to Lubuk Ogung Village. Hansen admitted that his party had been monitoring for about two months.

So far, no buildings have been damaged by elephants, but residents' plants such as palm oil and bananas have been targeted by animal feed. Hansen said he was concerned about the community's plants being damaged by elephants, but his party hoped that the public would understand this condition.

Currently, said Hansen, his party has not been able to carry out the convoy because conditions in Pelalawan Regency are almost evenly distributed to floods. This causes the elephant to be reluctant to return to its habitat.

"We can't do the traveling effort because it can cause elephants to panic and risk causing damage in settlements," said Hansen.

In addition, the appearance of this elephant attracted attention and became a spectacle for residents around the location. Hansen advised the public not to approach the elephant.

"We hope that residents do not approach the elephants. We hope that all parties, including the local village apparatus, will direct residents not to approach the elephants," he said.