Ahead Of The Third Debate Of The 2024 Presidential Election, Anies Will Surprise

JAKARTA - National Team Spokesperson Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar (AMIN), Billy David said that Presidential Candidates or Presidential Candidates who serve in government do not mean that they understand the issues that are the theme of the third debate for the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres), tonight.

Originally, the theme of the presidential candidate debate would be defense, security, international relations, globalization, geopolitical and foreign politics.

"The presidential candidate who is in a position of office does not mean that he understands all matters or solutions to all these sub-themes," Billy told reporters, Sunday, January 7.

According to him, Anies Baswedan will show his best ability during the debate later. In fact, it is said that there will be excitement that will be shown by the presidential candidate number one.

"So the third debate will still be full of excitement that should be awaited," he said.

Moreover, Anies has prepared himself to face the debate later. Several times he attended a forum that discussed similar themes.

"In the debate sub-them this time, Mr. Anies has also proven his readiness by attending several ideas forums with the theme of the third debate such as events at FPCI and CSIS," said Billy.

"So in terms of ideas and ideas that are ready for all the sub-themes to be discussed, besides later adding data, criticism or other surprises. The idea of this idea has also been tested through public involvement and experts initiated by the policy formulation team in formulating the vision and mission," he continued.

The third debate for the 2024 presidential election will be held at Istora Senayan, Jakarta and will start at 19.00 WIB. The theme of the presidential candidate debate will be defense, security, international relations, globalization, geopolitical and foreign politics.