6 Purple Fruits And Vegetables That Are Rich In Antosianin, Beneficial For Health
YOGYAKARTA Purple fruit and vegetables, this is a sign of containing an antosianin. Antosianin is one of the phytonutrients that helps protect body cells from damage. The following is presented a list of purple fruits and vegetables that are good for health.
In contrast to potatoes in general found in the market. These purple potatoes contain 2-3 times the antioxidants of white potatoes. Besides also containing anthocianin, purple potatoes are also rich in potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, and fiber.
Plum is one of the first purple foods people think of. The deeper the color on the fruit, the more antosian it is. The ripe fruit also has more nutrients that can be used. The skin can contain 20 times the antioxidants compared to the meat in it.
The color may not be immediately called purple, but the reddish color on the fruit skin is enriched with antosianin. Red cream is useful for lowering blood pressure, keeping blood vessels healthy, and increasing the problem of joints such as osteorthritis and gout. Cries are also rich in nutrients that help prevent cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.
Various varieties of wine, but purple, red, and black wines are rich in antosianin. Launching WebMD, Sunday, January 7, this fruit rich in water also contains resveratrol, which can support the protection of cells from disease-causing damage.
Like potatoes, there are also purple cabbage flowers that have more enthusiasm in the network. Plus, purple cauliflower is enriched with phytonutrients, vitamin C, and minerals. You can cook it by steaming or turmerizing. Can also be eaten raw after washing clean to maintain most of the nutrients.
Bits actually include tubers. The purple color comes from different antioxidants from the previous types of purple vegetables and fruit. Bits contain betalains, which are also found in radishes and rhubarb. Bits will taste sweet when added with smoothie. These tubers are good for the heart, brain, and blood sugar.
Those are purple fruit and vegetables that are not only rich in antosianin. But also other nutrients and vitamins that are good for your health. Interested in making a healthy menu from the list of food ingredients above?