16 Election Crimes In Lampung Were Processed By Bawaslu, Including 4 Cases Of Civil Servant Neutrality

LAMPUNG - Bawaslu Lampung said there were 16 reports or findings of violations of the 2024 General Election that had been registered and processed by election supervisors in districts and cities as of December 2023.
"Since the campaign stage started on November 28, 2023, until December 20, there have been 16 reports that have been followed up by Bawaslu in districts and cities," said the Coordinator of the Lampung Province Bawaslu Violation Handling Division, Tamri, in Bandarlampung, Friday, January 5, as reported by Antara.
He said, from the number of reports or findings at the campaign stage, the alleged election violation in Lampung was dominated by election crimes with 13 cases, followed by the neutrality of the state civil apparatus (ASN) in four cases and the neutrality of village officials or BPD as many as two cases.
"There is no alleged administrative violation and the election organizer's code of ethics yet," said Tamri.
He also said that based on the results of the supervision of the Lampung Province Bawaslu for the period from November 28 to December 20, in Bandarlampung there were three violations that had been registered.
"There are two alleged election crimes and one case of ASN neutrality that has been registered by Bawaslu, Bandarlampung City," he said.
Then, he continued, in South Lampung Regency, the general election supervisory ranks registered three alleged election criminal cases. In Pesawaran Regency there is one election crime violation.
"Then in East Lampung there are four alleged violations of non-election crimes and one case of involvement of members of the Village Consultative Body (BPD)," he said.
The Lampung Bawaslu also noted that in West Coast Regency there was one alleged violation of the election crime and neutrality of ASN which had been registered by the election supervisors.
"In Mesuji, the supervisory staff registered two findings of violations of ASN neutrality and one involvement of BPD members. Then in Pringsewu, the supervisory staff registered three alleged violations of election crimes," he said.