Anies-Ganjar Camp Communication About The 2 Round Presidential Election, TKN: Voters Can't Be Transferred Like Money Transfers
JAKARTA - The Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team (TKN) has no problem with the communication made by the candidate pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates number 1 and 3 preparing for the second round of the 2024 presidential election.
Spokesperson for TKN Prabowo-Gibran Hasan Nasbi views that if the 2024 presidential election takes place in two rounds, reconciliation and displacement of supporters of candidate pairs will not run easily.
"The data shows that even if there are two rounds, these voters cannot be transferred like money transfers," Hasan said in a discussion entitled "Talking with the presidential election in Jakarta, Thursday, January 4, confiscated by Antara.
He explained that the transfer of voters in the election was not as easy as transferring money from one party to another.
The vote of voters in the election, he continued, is the voice of the people who have their own assessment and ownership in determining the champion to be selected.
"I have one million voters, then I transfer them to you, that can't be," he said.
On the other hand, the Prabowo-Gibran candidate camp believes that the 2024 presidential election will take place in one round with a 70 percent chance for the presidential and vice presidential candidates number 2 victory.
Chairman of the One Round Movement (GSP) Muhammad Qodari said the 70 percent figure was based on the survey results from various institutions that showed the Prabowo-Gibran pair consistently excelled from the other two pairs of candidates participating in the 2024 presidential election with an average figure of 46-47 percent.
"The surveys that I use as references, the figure is 46-47 percent. That means only 5 percent has arrived," said Qodari on Thursday, January 4.
Previously, PDI-P politician Aria Bima on Tuesday, January 2, admitted that he communicated with candidate pair number 1, Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar.
He said the communication was carried out to discuss allegations of accompaniment of public opinion by survey institutions related to the 2024 presidential election one round.