TKN Yakin Prabowo Bakal Bersinar Di Debate Capres Kedua

JAKARTA - Member of the TKN Expert Council Prabowo-Gibran, Budiman Sudjatmiko believes that Prabowo Subianto's presidential candidate will shine in the second presidential candidate debate held by the KPU on January 7. Prabowo is considered to have mastered the debate theme which includes defense, security, international relations, and geopolitics.

"This third debate theme is Mr. Prabowo really, so for us, we are confident that Pak Prabowo will be able to present his vision as a strategic leader and visionary leader in a volatile and uncertain world," said Budiman at the Prabowo Volunteer Secretary-Gibran, West Jakarta, Thursday, January 4.

According to Budiman, Prabowo is able to anticipate global uncertainty in the midst of many countries that will hold elections. The reason is, there are more than 50 countries that will replace their leadership.

"Moreover, there are election events in many strategic countries in the world, we can anticipate this," he continued.

Nevertheless, Budiman ensured that Prabowo would remain consistent not to attack other presidential candidates in the third debate later. Prabowo, he said, would only talk about the vision and mission and the idea of candidate pair number 2.

"The evaluation, we remain consistent, we will talk about the vision and mission, not talking about looking for the ugliness of others. Because once again I remind you that the vice presidential candidate debate is the most expensive debate in the world or at least in Indonesia," said Budiman.

"Counts of trillions to make debates like this and only 3 people or 6 people in Indonesia are allowed to participate in this year's presidential and vice presidential debate," he added.

Because only 6 of the nation's best sons, said Budiman, Prabowo-Gibran will use the debate forum as a momentum to attract support to win in the 2024 presidential election.

"So considering how expensive the debate and valuable and the impact of the debate is, the Prabowo-Gibran pair will make the debate forum for us to shine, for us to shield. We hope that other contestants also talk about vision and mission," he concluded.