Ganjar Asks The Winning Team To Find Congested Credit Solutions For Affected Farmers To Fail To Harvest

Presidential candidate (candidate) number 3, Ganjar Pranowo asked his winning team to discuss with the bank to discuss bad credit for farmers. Especially for those who experience crop failure problems due to rat pests, dry season, and affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

This was conveyed by Ganjar during a dialogue with farmers in Kutukan Village, Blora, Central Java today, Thursday, January 4. He said the discussion must be carried out by his team as a solution to overcome the problems of farmers.

"I will ask the Ganjar-Mahfud National Winning Team (TPN) to talk to the bank," said Ganjar in a written statement.

Ganjar said that the various problems experienced by farmers made it difficult for them to installment people's business loans (KUR). So, he will try to reschedule credit.

"Because this is KUR for consumption, we will help rescheduling the credit later," said the former Governor of Central Java.

In the discussion, Ganjar heard complaints about the many problems faced by farmers. One of them is Wagiman who was unable to pay KUR to Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) for six months because he experienced crop failure.

The installments that Wagiman had to pay amounted to Rp. 400 thousand per month and the amount borrowed reached Rp. 11 million. However, he did not have the income until he was finally visited by the bank.

"The bank came to the house, he said if it didn't get paid, the house would be sealed immediately. The house was already bad, I still wanted to confiscate it. That's why I asked for help. My wife and I, when it's raining and the rice fields can be planted again, we can definitely pay off the debt," said the farmer.

"I am a poor family, only farmers, have a KUR debt of Rp. 11 million. The debt is because the dry season is too long, we grow rice, but we can't harvest it, that's why the rice fields are dry. All of the rice seeds that are distributed die, because there is no need for the family, so the KUR from BRI is used for daily use," concluded Wagiman.