Potentially Damaged To The Environment, The Attorney General's Office Is Urged To Monitor The Beach Club Licensing Process Raffi Ahmad
JAKARTA - Raffi Ahmad's beach club development plan at Krakal Beach in Yogyakarta continues to be a public conversation. This is because these tourist attractions have the potential to damage the Karst Nature Area (KBAK).
Legal and Attorney General's Office, Fajar Trio, also urged the Attorney General's Office to oversee the licensing process, to prevent abuse of local officials' authority.
Because previously, Raffi seemed to have met with the Regent of Gunungkidul Sunaryanta for the laying of the first stone, which was considered a sign, although the permit had not been officially issued.
"The Attorney General's Office is obliged to oversee all licensing processes for the construction of the Raffi Ahmad Beach Club located on Krakal Beach. This is an effort to prevent corruption in the form of abuse of authority by local officials who are suspected of granting permission for the project," said Fajar in Jakarta, Wednesday, January 3.
This was done because of the potential for environmental damage due to the construction of Raffi Ahmad's beach club project. In addition, as an answer to public complaints and the findings of WALHI there will be violations of the law, especially the use of ecological land that is not in accordance with its designation.
"Later on, the prosecutor's office will also be able to cooperate with the LHK Law Enforcement to assess the AMDAL Document consisting of the Reference Framework (KA), Environmental Impact Analysis (DAL), Environmental Management Plan (RKL) and Environmental Monitoring Plan (RPL). Including re-examination of several villas in the same location," he said.
According to him, if the permit is formally still issued, it is suspected of violating the Environmental Law and Permen-ESDM No. 17/2012, the Btang Alam Karst area is a geological protected area as part of the national protected area.
"This means that its utilization must not have the potential to damage the area of the karst landscape, so it can be called environmental crime," he said.
Meanwhile, the Director of Walhi Yogyakarta, Gandar Mahojwala, said that the problem was because the beach club would be built on the Bentang Alam Karst (KBAK) area.
"The regent himself knows that the location is a Geological Conservation Area. The regent as a state official should not accompany the ceremonial process or a discourse appears as if he allowed it, even though the project has not passed the permit and is very prone to damaging the KBAK and the function of karst in the water system," said Gandar.
For this reason, according to him, law enforcement officials should oversee the entire process, not only because the beach club development plan is in the public spotlight or involves the figure of Raffi Ahmad.
"But because this project risks damaging the Conservation Area, and it is possible that the impact will be permanent and prolonged, as well as the regent's involvement in the licensing process is not yet clear," he said.
However, his party believes that administrative licensing for tourism businesses for the construction of the beach club has not been issued.
"We believe that what is referred to as a permit from the regent is an informal permit, not an administrative permit for tourism businesses," he continued.
He also requested that the government be more stringent in conducting supervision related to project licensing which is considered inappropriate and can damage the environment and springs.
"The basic thing is how today's licensing practice still places the permission' as a form of administrative complementary requirements, not as a means of determining the feasibility of a plan. As long as the permission' paradigm remains only as a complement, then we will continue to see the environment and conservation loses to tourism," he continued.
Finally, the Gandar also welcomes the government to review the licensing of a number of villas that have already been built along the Btang Alam Karst (KBAK) area, including Yogyakarta Krakal Beach.
"If you want to review it again, go ahead!" he said.