CEO And Founder Realme Reveals New Company Mission In 2024

JAKARTA - Sky Li, Founder and CEO of the realm made an open letter earlier this year announcing that 2024 will be the year of rebranding for the realm. This letter reveals their new mission, position, and spirit.

Realme phones were first present in the midst of a very competitive smartphone market, through a development strategy that presents better technology and designs for young people around the world.

In the next five years, the realm will change the brand's position from a trend-based strategy to a more open and wider strategy, thus making realme a technology brand that better understands young people.

"The focus of our new brand position is not to be a diversion, but to openness. This will guide investment and long-term development that will help us connect better with more young people, in more markets, and more regions in the world," Li said.

Li also said that Realme will focus on presenting brands and product experiences that exceed youth expectations, making it impossible.

Furthermore, Li revealed that the realm will change its orientation, from an initially Opportunity-oriented' to Brand-oriented. This means that the realme will focus on users to increase competitiveness in three fields, namely product strength, technology power, and brand strength.

In addition, Realme will focus on improving product experience in three sectors, namely performance, photography, and design. They collaborate with more than 30 leading technology partners and invest more in research and development.

"By focusing on products, technology, and brands as the main competitiveness, it allows realme to bring the latest technological advances directly to young people," added Lim.

Complementing the new strategy, Realme also introduces a new slogan, namely Make it real. This new slogan inherits the spirit of 'Dare to Leap' by focusing more on young people, and brings real benefits, obviously, and can be felt directly.